Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Moving Through Life Fearlessly!

Moving Through Life Fearlessly!

I've been noticing lately that the negative emotions that I can sort through and resolve on the yoga mat, are the same ones that I can move through and let go more easily off the mat. Emotions like fear, rage, anger, and jealousy are being supplanted by courage, peace, compassion and love. The true glowing radiance that is my soul is being polished in all the rusty spots until it is shining like a full moon. I am beginning to release all the psychic debris from my aura thanks to the energies of Divinity and all of my crystal helpers. To them I am eternally grateful!

Today I drew the "Tiger Iron" card from Toni Carmine Salerno's deck. The affirmation for this card is "I may not have the power to change the world, 🌎 but I can change my perception of it." The message here is that even if we are going through times that are not ideal or working through difficult emotions, we have the opportunity to look at the situation as a time to grow from the challenge or to lament our position. I choose growth. Even saying that in my head just feel right to. I feel stronger and more grounded now. I choose to tap into the practical spirituality of tiger's eye 🐅 crystal. A raw primal, earthy, sexual, creative power married with Divine intention. 

"Silence" By Delerium, Feat. Sarah McLaughlin

For some reason this song came to mind...