Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Monday, February 19, 2018

Still Finding My Purpose...

Still Finding My Purpose...

I realize that I am still finding my place in this world, even after all the soul-searching that I have been called to do, I must go deeper into meditation still and find more answers -- not the answer, but more answers. I am working on clearing my mind and clarifying my purpose. I set an intention to do just that. Maybe the "Clarity And Order Crystal Layout" I am  working on today will begin to set matters straight. As I covered the "Cherry Heart" red chakra lesson in Tori Hartman's "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit", I realized that the following statement I wrote down after completing this week's lesson is true. 'The one thing missing from my life is purpose, and when I get that, I can develop the follow-through and drive that I need to accomplish my goals. I have set the intention to reach out to the Universe and my guides and angels so that they can shine a light on my path and clarify my life's purpose. I really want to get crystal clear on this. Pun intended. LOL.