Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Thursday, February 8, 2018

How To Be Fearless

How To Be Fearless

Adriene's yoga practices are often uncannily accurate for where I am in my life. I must have been drawn to her yoga channel by The Universe. Today I had a pretty honest and yet incredibly freeing realization about myself in the meditations that directly followed my asanas with Adriene this afternoon. I had woken up really late after a deep sleep that my healing body sorely, and I do me sorely needed. I was still all stiff and achy from being so sick this past week. And as these things often present themselves to us, it was a surprising introduction to my conscious mind from my subconscious mind about it's motives and underpinnings.  The revelation came to me while I was meditating on the advice in today's journal activity for "Rituals For Transformation" By Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. It was about being aware of how energy comes and goes in our body. The mantra I wrote before meditating was 'I am aware of the nature in which my energy comes and goes.' I as I focused on my breathe and thoughts came and went on those breathes, I began to see how much energy I give to the outcome and the things I fear in the outcome. Also how much that affects my interactions with others and the state of my existence. I saw that a lot of my worries, anxieties and bouts with insomnia came from me giving energy to a certain expected outcome. But this outcome that I built in my mind often never came and then I would go on to dreading the next terrible expected outcome. There was a destructive pattern going on here.

Now that I am fully aware of this, I can stop it whenever I notice myself doing it. I thought WOW, how long have I been doing this?! I realized that I how I allowed other people's moods to affect my energies. Granted I understand that a lot of this comes from being and em-path and being very naturally receptive to people's moods. But being an em-path is a gift and I need to learn how to use it without being bowled over by outside emotions all the time. And for the first time, now I can conceive of how I can do that without (another groundless fear of expected outcome) losing my compassion. I'm exercising compassion for myself and others right now just by helping myself to help them better. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I have lost so many loved ones and had so many "bad" things happen to me that this has caused me to fear what the future may hold, instead of being open to it. What an amazing realization about myself!

The "Yin/Yang" card is all about moving in the flow of life -- surfing 🏄  ever-present and often unpredictable waves of movement. While being in the flow there is no time for fear, only presence and positive action. That is the frame of mind I am consciously moving through life with today. It feels so free and beautiful. I love it!

"Wipeout" Performed by The Safaris

Let's not be afraid to fail -- afraid to fall...