Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spring Is Almost Here! I Feel like Regenerating...

Spring is the season of renewal and rebirth. It heralds  change in an unprecedented way following on the heels of everyone's new year's resolutions. Once old territory seems fresh and new again. For me it makes me reminisce about having co-written the lyrics of a song with the talented Mr. Dorian Gray entitled appropriately Springtime. Within that song spring was a woman that healed the man of winter with her sunlight and promise. I, being frozen and stuck in a lot of places need the warmth and rejuvenation of the season to pull me into a new life phase. In that vein of thought, I'm working to soothe the places inside me that need a little or a lot of succor. Having spent years in a religious cult and being the subject of abuse as a child left marks on my soul that were like stubborn stains. Removing them is a slow and painful process that has spanned these 15 years. Now I ready to really break free once and for all. EFT a process I've most recently utilized to remove some of the most resistant soul blemishes, has been an invaluable tool. Learn more about this amazing process at and it's inventor Gary Craig. Starting March 1st, I plan to embark on a quest of healing to see if I can finally shake free of the burdens of my past once and for all. With this in mind I vow to renew my lagging yoga practice with a commitment to practice for at least 30 minutes everyday, concentrating on balancing my chakras. I took a chakra test at today and my weakest chakras were my root and solar plexus (navel) chakras; no doubt because of my history. They were both underactive at -31%. My sacral and heart chakras were open at 56%. My throat and third-eye chakras tied with 38% open. And my crown chakra was 50% open. In the month of March I want to see how strong I can make those chakras using meditation on those points for 20 minutes per day, and yoga corresponding to my root and sacral regions. I'm also going to use appropriate EFT to clear myself of negative emotions that feed into the weakness of each chakra. Gotta love Magnus and his brilliant tapping routines. I'll be tapping this one every day  in March. More information can be found at My required reading for the next 2 weeks is The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond.  I've started reading it to deepen my understanding of EFT, And I'm already amazed! My first D-Day will be on April 1st. I'm going to re-take the test and monitor the changes in each chakra.