Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Monday, January 29, 2018

Surrendering With Grace...

Surrendering With Grace...

Yoga With Adriene was all about learning to surrender. But it wasn't the smooth and gentle practice I was expecting. Instead, it was challenging with a slew plank poses. It reminded me that surrendering my seem passive, but it's an action. It's also important to learn to surrender to the situation in times that are tough. This is not giving up or just letting the hard stuff win, it's about surfing with the changes and commotions that life throws at us and doing so with ease. This takes practice, but it's something that my meditation and yoga practice is preparing me for. How to sail the windy seas of my existence as if it were a calm stream and how to approach the surging waves with joy instead of fear.

I've been exploring the topic of forgiveness a lot in the "Rituals For Transformation" journal by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. Today I reflecting on the idea that forgiveness can transcend time and space -- healing in the past, present and future. I am a Reiki Master who is familiar with the energetic concept that healing can be multi-dimensional. Yesterday, a friend of mind told me that he believed that the mode of the fifth dimension was the concept of choice. I thought about it and had to agree. When you learn about things like the law of attraction such as in Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity", you understand that you choose to accept prosperity as a state of being. You can also choose a state of lack. You can choose to bring into your life the states of love, joy, peace, creativity, inspiration and a plethora of other positive ways of being. As I head towards the last day of my journey with Thackray's amazing book, (at least for now) I accept that each day and with every thought and action, I am choosing to be present in my journey. I am creating the story of my life. And I realize that I want to be the heroine of a triumphant tale that inspires hope and unconditional love!