Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I Am Strong!

I Am Strong!

So "a funny thing happened on the way to the forum..." or should I say yoga mat? I finally did what my inner control freak had been dreading, and that was transpose a practice. So for all those micro-managers like myself you will feel my pain when I tell you that today is actually day 24 and I did day 25's practice. My more 'hang loose' counterparts will be like 'so what?' LOL. What was my first reaction to this? To go all panicky and be like 'now what? The whole thing is out of order now! I failed. It's not...perfect...' Than something happened that gave me a "stop-the-presses" realization. I didn't do any of that. I didn't really care. I'm truly taking the first steps to release my monkey-mania.

I'm not going to fight Mercury Retrograde this time, but I'm going to let it work to re-form and re-fit my life, gently, sifting through, and methodically being the taste-maker of my existence; deciding what goes and what stays and what challenges I need to face up to once and for all and where I need to get clear in my life. Actually this is the second time I'm writing this because the first time my post mysteriously deleted itself. I'm guessing that Mercury Retro was at play again, helping me to refine my words for better consumption by the reader.

I decided that the mantra and yoga sequence in this practice were what I really needed more that the one that "belonged" on day 24. It just felt "right" somehow. Mercury came along to shake things up a bit and maybe even deliver a one two punch.  But that's OK.  The planetary alignments that are happening right now are teaching me that no matter if I get rattled or delivered a strong right hook, that I have the power to decide if it knocks me off my center or if it makes me stand stronger and more sure. I realized that I got this and so do you! The Universe, my yoga practice, meditation routine, crystal healing, belief in myself, my loyal friends and supporters, energetic healing, Mama Earth, Papa Sky, The Great Spirit, and all my guides and spirit helpers, they've all got by back to! We got this!