I Am In Control
So today's mantra was a bit tough because I am working on letting go of my control-freak tendencies. That is to say that most them are based on how I allow myself to operate inside of the world. I am very aware that by it's very nature, control is an illusion. But I think what this mantra and practice is striving to get me to recognize is not necessarily a grasping, gripping kind of control, which is very anti-yoga in my humble opinion, but an acknowledgement that while we can't control external factors in our lives, we can control our reactions to them. I let me explore my edge, and by it's very nature, this mantra and practice actually called attention to all the places I was holding in and retaining body-mind tensions and allowed me to focus on letting them go. Today's practice was a treasure because in that very same places that I found conflict, I also found release.