Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Short And Sweet

I'm writing this post actually on May 25th even though the Blogger date reads different. This is largely because I tried to post to this link via my cell phone and my cell wouldn't let me do that for some reason. The other reason is because for some days now I could not log into my Blogger account to post anything. So I'm going to make today's post short and sweet and say that I really missed posting to my yoga blog because it has kept me centered, but I'm also glad that I had a break because it gave me a fresh perspective on my practice and my meditation. I've also missed a few days of yoga because I've been under the weather and I simply needed the downtime. Now I'm back  and ready to start blogging away! So now it's time to warm up the mat and limber up my fingers for flying across the keyboard again. No more slacking for me because I'm back in the thick of it!