Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Staving Off My Anxiety

Staving Off My Anxiety

The day before yesterday, my cat had a breathing scare that set off not only issues from my own trauma around breathing difficulties, but also my issues surrounding my fear of losing any more of the ones (furry or otherwise) that I love and care for. This fear I realize is like a post-traumatic stress landmine that can go off without warning, leaving me vulnerable, panicky and full of anxiety that it can be hard to let go. I have also been using crystals and aromatherapy that might possibly be working energetically in tandem with the approaching, emotional full moon in Scorpio, which could be enhancing emotional outbursts.

I've already forgotten to heed the lessons I've learned that everything that is happening to me is universally perfect in its own way and not to attempt to control the universe, rather my reactions within it. I also haven't been practicing regular meditation in about two weeks. I'm sure that has a lot to do with my current anxiety levels as well. As I'm writing this, I'm giving myself a detoxing foot soak. One of my clients who was going to get a foot reflexology session from me didn't show and I decided to use her soak instead of dumping it. Waste not want not. This would probably be a good time to meditate, as I now have the spare time. Again the motto is waste not, want not. I'm gonna go zen out now.

Heading Towards A full Moon

Heading Towards A full Moon

A full moon in scorpio is set to rock 🎸 our emotional landscape on Monday. But, for the more sensitive souls among us, we can feel its lunar energies sometimes a few days or even a week or two before and after the moon's full phase. Personally I'm feeling it today. My emotions are watery and deep and I'm not afraid to dive into them or express them. Usually I would be more reluctant to do so, but today I've felt someone weepy and compulsive.  It's time to explore my feelings and see where they take me.