I Am Grateful!
I really am grateful today. And for the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm on the right track to greater abundance -- feeling the glimmers of the edge of my destiny forming from the ether. I'm hopeful. I'm starting to plan out the steps I need to walk in order to begin to create the reality I've been dreaming about. And the Universe is lining things up along my path. These are what Janet and Chris Attwood refer to as "markers" in "The Passion Test" -- goalposts that reveal themselves when you are headed in the right direction. And yes, I've had plenty of setbacks. And yes, that's all part of the road trip. I'm really grateful for all of the challenges and detours because they've taught me so much. I'm really grateful for the journey. I feel like I'll look back and find it's so much more satisfying than the destination. Time to put one foot in front of the other -- full speed ahead, dangerous curves and all!