Regaining My Balance...
Yesterday evening because I was bored after watching an entire K-Drama called "Best Lover" on Netflix, I decided to investigate my waning energy levels through the lens of Ayurveda. I believe the Universe and my guides led me in the direction in which over the course of investigating three different sites where I was diagnosed with three different doshas (the Ayurvedic descriptor for health profile). The three site I'm referring to are linked below just in case anyone wants to find out their predominant dosha. My second most prominent dosha was Kapha followed by an almost equal amount of Pitta. It was clear thought, that after taking the tests that my main imbalance in all three, even though I got varying mixtures of other doshas, was Vata. Vata imbalance is characterized by anxiety, being all-over-the-place, constantly busy and not always giving self-care and the list goes on. So I decided to practice balancing my Vata, which means establishing and regular bedtime and wakeup routine (I will try. LOL.), cutting refined sugars and processed foods (I've been doing that), meditation and pranayama (I've been doing that. Yay!), TLC. With that goal in mind I started decided my yoga practice today would be a 20 minute gentle ground sequence by Sarah Platt-Finger of Ishta Yoga. I will have to say that it really did help a lot. Now I'm going to take an aromatherapy bath and perform a self massage with oils before eating a nourishing meal. I am taking all this good advice to heart.