Winning Uphill Battles
Sometimes it' not about the finish line, but the sweat and determination that it takes you to get there. How will you achieve your goals? How will you set the wheels in motion or through the winning curve ball? Today felt like an uphill battle, but at the end of it, I felt as if I came out of it the winner! I triumphed over the odds that kept me in the illusion that I was somehow to exhausted to go on. I woke up at 6:30 am and practiced yoga, braved my way to school where I trudged on through math classes, a swim class that challenged my endurance, duties at The Guardsman as a reporter, photojournalism class and then the end of the day ride back home on BART, the San Francisco Bay Area's subway line. Tomorrow my day promises to be a bit more leisurely. I will probably wake up at about 6:30 or 7 am and practice yoga, work out, finish my photo story for the paper, get working on emails, cleaning and organizing my room and waiting for an appointment to pop up on my massage therapist app Zeel -- an on demand massage therapy company that I work with. Later I'm off to see "Tomb Raider" with Jay. It should be a great day all around and I can't wait to jump in it!