Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Monday, December 25, 2017

30 Days Of Yoga Day 13

30 Days Of Yoga Day 13

Christmas morning! So why do I feel sort of blah? Maybe I am feeling withdrawal symptoms from the rigors of the endless rat race. I'm not really sure what to do with myself when I have so much leisure time on my hands. I could spend more time meditating and getting the rest and rejuvenation that my body is craving. Also, I can take time to focus on my goals for the future and what that means for me. Right now with Saturn in Capricorn, I am being made to look at the foundations of my emotions -- the very fibers that make them up. I'm being taught to not be afraid of them, to express them, to own them, but to do so with thoughtfulness, mindfulness, compassion and love. Maybe more then ever, I need to cue up the temple sounds root chakra meditation video, select a few stones that resonate with my root chakra and spend about 10 minutes in mindful silence. Namaste.