Sometime between yesterday and today, I got a little shaky and off-center in the doing of all my tasks. This afternoon, I realized that I needed to infuse a some grounding back into my life, so that I can get a bit of my own back. It has been a busy week thus far and I have come to terms with the fact that I don't have to do everything perfectly, but sometimes that impulse to over-think and "monkey mind" everything tries to take over again. At least now I know what's happening when I see it and I can relax and relinquish that tight grip on my existence and remember to breath -- confident in the knowledge that everything is going to work out for the best and that it always does somehow. This yoga practice really helped me a lot. More kudos to the Yoga With Adrienne channel!
My one-woman journey to gain enlightenment, search her soul and ultimately heal the empty spaces within it. I welcome you to join me...
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Getting Grounded Again
Sometime between yesterday and today, I got a little shaky and off-center in the doing of all my tasks. This afternoon, I realized that I needed to infuse a some grounding back into my life, so that I can get a bit of my own back. It has been a busy week thus far and I have come to terms with the fact that I don't have to do everything perfectly, but sometimes that impulse to over-think and "monkey mind" everything tries to take over again. At least now I know what's happening when I see it and I can relax and relinquish that tight grip on my existence and remember to breath -- confident in the knowledge that everything is going to work out for the best and that it always does somehow. This yoga practice really helped me a lot. More kudos to the Yoga With Adrienne channel!
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