New Moon In Sagittarius
The mysterious tug of New Moon in Sagittarius is caught in the thrall of Saturn and the energetic force of Mercury Retrograde is tugging at it's heels. I've felt this particularly as Saturn moves from my sun sign into my moon sign. I have had so many things happen in the last week that my head is spinning. I can only find solace in my yoga practice, meditation, the strength the red jasper and black tourmaline have lent me and in the company of a kind soul whose support I cannot repay. I am going to work on my intentions for this new moon which allows me to acknowledge the possibility of change, the sadness of endings and of new beginnings. I'm going to journal in my blog some of my hopes and dreams, and some of the wondrous things I'd like to manifest for myself.
1. I would like to have this blog grow into one that can help thousands of people.
2. I would like be become a published sci fi and fantasy author whose writings touch the masses.
3. I would like to become a world renown singer/songwriter and performing musician in my own right who creates art and beauty through music.
4. I would like to use crystal healing and energy work to help people all over the world
5. I would like to find the security of my dream home from which to work and life from
6. I would like to ethically embrace a lifestyle of loving and relationships free from the social mores that society would place on how a person can love another.
7. I would like to travel the world and see all the places I've dreamed of
8. I would like to become an accomplished yogi
9. I would like to become proficient in various types of dancing.
10. I would like to become an accomplished pianist and compose beautiful music that moves hearts and souls.
Just that. That's all. I'm sharing a part of my hopes, dreams and aspirations with you, and in doing so, some of my vulnerability. I wish to leave behind all people, places, things, and attitudes that no longer serve my soul's purpose so that I can step into endless love, bliss and abundance. Just that. And to everyone reading this. May all your wishes and dreams come true!