Today I alternated between restless energy and anxiousness. A part of me is ready for my cleanse to be over and another part of me wants to continue for longer. Technically, I could continue on for another 10 days and be perfectly fine, but I don't think I will. I'm considering experimently with a 50-70 percent raw diet. Or may something that is microbiotic in nature. I haven't decided yet. I've taken up my yoga practice with enthusiasm and I will have to say that the Master Cleanse goes hand-in-hand with yoga. I calms my mind and my cravings and I tend to perspire even more during the more intense parts of my practice. It's like my body is shedding more and more of the excess wastes and toxins. It's a curious sensation really. My body really needed this to get back into the swing of things. This Cleanse has been crucial to my healing and my system repairing itself.
Photo Credits: Suat Eman