The Next Chapter
Moving into the next phase of my life this year, I am focused on restoring and repairing my chakras and immune system. I went to the doctor yesterday and discovered that the flu I thought I had was a virus that had settled in my respiratory tract. The doctor said that the fatigue and subsequent shortness of breath that I had recently experienced over the weekend was likely from the virus and that it seems that it is moving its way out of my system. So that is great news. Yay! I could look at my recovery from this recent bout of illness as a setback, but I'm going to take it as Mercury Retrogrades shadow reinforcing that fact that I need to pace myself and take greater care of my health. Today's yoga practices are about repairing my throat chakra because my vocal cords need the TLC after coughing so much along with some gentle vocal exercises and herbal teas. I took my vitamins like a good girl. LOL both literally and figuratively. Now all that's left is to take a break, take a breath and move forward.