Tis The Season...
Yuletide is upon us. My feelings are complex and a bit fuzzy at the moment. I'm just letting them be what there are and letting the day be what it is. It's time for me to relax and not think too hard at the end of a long road of craziness for me. What I'm realizing is that I don't have to have it all figured out right now. I am allowed not to have a beginning-to-end mapped out plan. I'm can just eat a tasty dinner and come home and binge watch "Stranger Things 2" or a K-Drama. I can let the evening unravel as it sees fit and there is nothing that I have to do or force to materialize or make. I can let things just evolve. That is the less I'm learning from this practice. How not to force tree pose. How to stand in the moment and just breathe.