Moving Bravely Ahead
Today's yoga practice was chock full of warrior poses and sun salutations, making it the perfect practice for me to face the day and get back into things. I started my herbal remedies with Bach's Flower Essences and crystal meditation and I already feel brighter about the coming day! Yesterday was a no-go with the photojournalism assignment and so I'm going to try again today. I'm hoping that I can get some pictures in. Of course there's a late breakfast/brunch and tulsi herbal tea to balance my doshas and my cup of coffee later at the coffee shop. Later on it's more photos and singing at jazz club as I begin to start pursuing my passions again. I am hopeful for the rest of the day. We have a few more days of Mercury Retrograde to go and I am arming myself with lavender, peppermint and melissa essential oils, yoga and letting go what needs to be gone. I got this!