How Did The Universe Know?
That I was going to need a yoga practice that would test my endurance just as much as the day did. Yuletidings! Today is Winter Solstice -- officially the shortest day and the longest night if the year. Saturn has arrived in Capricorn, my stoic moon sign and the sun is in Capricorn. "Yowsza!" To quote Inspector Gadget. Yes. I am unapologetically a child of the 80's, and I'm feeling like that meaningless exclamation that means everything.
I have had three finals in the span of 24 hours, and It's only a a few minutes before 8:45pm. How is that even possible? Saturn is in my moon 🌙 sign. That's how. I haven't even gotten to the part where I am attending the funeral of a close friend of mine tomorrow afternoon. I found out about his passing the day after my birthday. Surprise! Right. And there's more but that will have to wait until after Mercury Retrograde, so I can get my communication channels clear enough to express myself properly. That was today. Both my time on the mat and my day kicked my butt. I'm feeling like I need a long hug and some yummy comfort food to eat. Luckily Sagittarius is in Venus, and the beautiful energy radiating through my sign that is her domain, providing that for me. The Universe is having mercy on my soul and I'm feeling the gratitude at the prospect of this well-deserved respite.