A New Year, A New Me!
Maybe it's the effects of today's super moon or the fact that my astrological influences are transition, or a combination of both or several factors, but I feel super-charged to go full-steam ahead with all of my goals and intentions. I started not one, not two but several exercise-based books of change growth today. The first I embarked on is a journaling book of meditations called "Rituals For Transformation: 108 Day Journey To Your Sacred Life", by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. It is a unique book that combines reflection and free-writing to examine all the areas in your life. The amount of days was chosen for the metaphysical significance of the number 108 which in numerology reduces to the number 9 and signifies completion. I just read information on a webpage about numerology that made me aware that this year is an 8 year - a year of infinite possibilities, meaning that whatever I choose to focus on, positivity or negativity, that is what I will create. I have decided to choose abundance, peace, love, prosperity, hope, joy and to make this year, the year that I put into motion the foundations for all of my hopes and dreams.
With those ideals at the forefront of my mind I am choosing some other volumes as well. Some I have discussed in length on this blog before, and others such as "Rituals For Transformation" are new. The second book up is Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity", a book I have gone through at least three times before. It's phenomenal at setting up an abundance mindset. The third book is "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit: A 52-Week Journey of Self-Discovery With The Lost Fables" by Tori Hartman, with a book and an accompanying set of tarot cards illustrated by Gretchen Raisch-Baskin. I have only completed a very small section of this book in the past before and I am making it my resolve to finish the entire workbook, which will take the entire year to complete. I mentioned these first because they are daily commitments which will require me to set aside about 30 minutes of each of my mornings. the first two will be completed much quicker of course, with "Rituals For Transformation" taking a little over 3 months to complete. The other books are "The Passion Test" by Janet Bray and Chris Attwood, "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod and another Gail Thackray book, "What's Up With My Life?" These books will more than likely only take up a few sessions out of the week for me, and I can complete them in a more leisurely fashion than the first three books. I will go into more detail about them in subsequent blog posts. If it seems like a lot, it probably is. But it takes determination and dedication to pull off an amazing life, and I don't want to settle for ordinary. I want nothing short of a spectacular life filled with purpose and meaning! If any of these books spark your interest, I invite you to take them for a test drive. Read them. Commit to going through the exercises within them. Allow them to transform your life. I know I plan to do just that!
"Rituals For Transformation: 108 Day Journey To Your Sacred Life", by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. I have a really good feeling about the places that this book and all the aforementioned books will lead me in my quest towards a better existence!
The Card that I pulled from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck was Man Holding A Coin. This card is in line with everything that I have been feeling and reading today and through out the past week, that this coming year will be one of financial prosperity -- turning the tides of the energies of last year, in which I experiences a lot of financial loss and upheaval. I was aware that last year had a lot to teach me and a lot of trials by fire that I had to go through. But I feel as if I am coming out on the other side, stronger and a better person for it. Now it's time to plan for the future, heal, pick up the pieces and rebuild a life that is the best I can possibly imagine -- or even better!
Amel Larrieux - Infinite Possibilities