Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gathering Strength

Gathering Strength

Today felt kind of like a long distance marathon run. I've had to get my moments of stillness where I could find them. In my "Rituals For Transformation" journal I was urged to gather as many opportunities for tranquility that I can find. I'm an aspiring journalists so I am constantly bombarded with media. With this ceaseless flow of information, it is essential for me to find spaces where I can practice mindfulness. Buses, subways, moments on city benches, waiting to move at cross walks, in-between sips of coffee ☕ and other captured minutes or seconds can be chances for deep meaning. It's all about the quality of the journey and not the number of miles covered. Whether the road ahead is smooth or if every step has to navigate bumps and bends in the road matters not. The question I'm allowing into my focus is how I'm choosing to traverse the terrain ahead and what can I smile at and wish well as I leave it behind. How can I both conquer and surrender to the now? As I let it all flow with forward momentum and foster a spirit of acceptance, I learn and I grow.