Still Finding My Equilibrium...
Yay! I've made it to day 100 of my yoga journey! So today I'm a little wobbly, off-center, needing a focus. It's time for some grounding exercises. Maybe it's the effects of the current moon cycle, or Neptune playing tricks with my mind, but I"m feeling pretty spacey. I'm going to take it easy and do what I can. Take an herbal bath and rest, relax and restore. In both my "Rituals For Transformation" by Dr. Peter and Briana Borten and my "Chakra Energy Oracle" workbook by Tori Hartman, I have been encouraged to find my own truth - or as that say in kundalini yoga, my Sat Nam. Even my yoga practice with Brett Larkin today was about facing the truths. some of them were pretty ugly, but that's the only way you can get down to the nitty gritty of your soul and release it all to connect with your higher self. Still it could be the fact that I've been holding onto the Peacock Ore and Clear quartz crystals and that I could literally feel them breaking up stuck energies in my chakras. Either way, I can feel that something good, albeit uncomfortable is happening. I am grateful.