Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Sunday, September 13, 2015

In Memory of Wayne Dyer

I would like to take a moment to remember Wayne Dyer who passed a way a short while ago on August 29th, 2015, coincidentally on the night of the full super moon which is a time of great change and of letting go what no longer serves you. A time of accepting the end of something so that you
may welcome in something even better. I think that Wayne Dyer would have appreciated the positive irony of his death hi-lighting so much of what he spoke about in his life. The Shift is a film that was released in 2009 starring Wayne Dyer, Portia de Rossi and a cast of other inspired actors. It's a wonderful film in which the emphasis is on finding your true purpose, living a life of service and letting go of a ego-based existence Towards the end of his movie, Wayne said something that brought me to tears, because the message hit home in such a significant way. He said, "There's a place deep within us that wants to fill fulfilled, that wants to know that 'my life has made a difference, that I've
left this place this planet that I have lived on better than when I arrived, that someone's life has been profoundly touched because of my existence.' We all want that. It's not about age or about finding yourself. Whoever you are, at whatever age, you're only a thought away from changing you life." When Dr. Dyer first finished this film, his goal was for 3 million people to watch it and benefit from it. So far about 1 million people have viewed it. I would like to do my small part to spread the word and ensure that even after he has passed from this reality that his last wish is achieved. It's my honor to share this beautiful film with the world.

The Shift