Clarifying My Life Path
So today's "Full Body Awareness" practice is just what. I need. I'm feeling a general sense of confusion as to where to go next in my life and I need to get clear! I pulled three cards from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck, and here's what I got.
Oh Whoa Nelly! Reversed Cards! O.K. Now two of these cards were just in upright manifestations of their energy. What gives? Once I got over that revelation, I looked deeper and realized that these cards represent challenges that I still have to face in these areas.
1. First Chakra Archangel Michael (Reversed):
I need to face issues about stability and grounding that are sill up for review and healing within my root chakra. This makes sense because one of my journaling exercises in the "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit" by Tori Hartman, was about examining sayings that I live by and involved me writing down all of the values I was raised with. I was raised in a cult religion as a Jehovah's Witness with a rigid, narrow belief system that I set aside nearly 15 years ago. But it left me with a lot of traumas from my childhood that I am still addressing. I'm getting the message to let Archangel Michael help me heal those wounds.
2. Adjacent Possibilities (Reversed):
It's time for me to examine all my options and let go of the shame, worry, anxiety, self-doubt and deeply rooted habits that are no longer serving me. I am in the process of doing that, but this card is reminding me to re-double my efforts and dig the ones that still remain lodged far in my subconscious for cleansing and renewal. It's telling me to consistently make choices in my life that go in line with my new life intentions.
3. Archangel Metatron (Reversed):
This is a message from Metatron, who I've called on this week. He's asking me to let him help me get clear, and to wipe away the energies of confusion from my life. Coincidently, this is one of the intentions I set for the New Year, to release confusion and clouded thinking and to break out of all that isn't serving me. Again this card is admonishing me to release anything toxic such as bad habits and thought processes from my life. Reversed cards are not only a good thing, they're a great thing. They let you know where the problem areas are in your life so that you can go about fixing or at least greatly improving things so that your life can run smoother and more happily adjusted. I'm ready!