Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Finding Strength In Challenges

Finding Strength In Challenges

I'm sensing some rocky times ahead! Now is the time to give myself the love and nurtnuring I need. To accomplish tasks and move with the currents of life with a sense fluidity even though there may be rocks in the river to create growth and change.

Today's tarot reading from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle" should probably fill me with at least a bit of trepidation, buy oddly it doesn't. I am tapping into the assistance of my angels and guides and of an ever-growing courageousness that I feel building up inside of my soul. It feels very new even though I know it's always been there , waiting within me like kundalini. The first card I drew "Door To Romance" probably has to do with the amazing V-Day I had yesterday and all the warm beautiful romance that promises on the horizon. " Hostilities" I feel has to do with a current problem that the jazz club that I'm the VP of on campus has. There are definitely hostilities there from the administration that our club has to deal with. And finally there is the "Financial Constraints" card which is telling me to watch my spending. I'm working to create abundance in my life though, and I am confident that I will be seeing that card less and less. The general consensus is that I'm taking this all in stride and not panicking and giving way anxiety. I call that a win in my book!

Riding On The Wave

Riding On The Wave

Valentine's day! Today I was living in the flow of life. Synchronicity is clicking into place like the mechanisms of a safe lock that I have the combination to. I can't explain it but really feel like I'm riding on the waves of life no matter how big they may be, and I'm surfing them with ease.