Today was actually sort of normal and benign. I guess it went something like this: I noticed the alarm clock went off and has been ringing for a considerable time. Damn it's 7:16 am. I'm an hour overtime. Curse daylight savings time! Should I do my yoga at the office or on lunch break? No I'll do it here and be about 15 minutes late since there's no super-early appointments. Rodney Yee's AB's Yoga is full of boat poses and twists at the waist. Shower and dress to dash out the door. Breakfast is a bowl of Cheerios and soy milk. I have a cancellation for this evening. I'm bummed, but maybe karma thinks I need the extra hour. Next client is a Morning facial. She always leaves a smile on my face. Makes up for the cancellation. Wow my mind is full of the fact that I haven't done my daily isochronic chakra meditation yet. When will I squeeze that in.Text from a friend in the morning. I'll have to answer that later. My horoscope's a bit underwhelming. Get ready for the next client. Ahhh... finally I can meditate. Lunch for 20 minutes and I indulge in my latest Korean drama while eating. Then it's off to run errands all over town for 2 hours before my late afternoon appointment. I prep for the next treatment. Gosh, I still have 2 writing assignments to complete. And what about that short story I'm still working on? I giving myself 1 1/2 weeks to finish it, revision and all. Back to the real world I need to set up for my next client. I think I spilled some soup on my black skirt. I wiped it with a damp cloth. Did I get it all? My Yahoo IM is lighting up again. Why did I join Second Life? Like I need another thing to waste my time. LOL. I'll have to work late tonight.Guess I'll grab dinner when I can. I haven't done my speed reading exercise today. Working on a client. It's only 4:30?!?! Breath. Ohmmm...
Photo Credits: Renjith Krishnan