Stirring Realizations
My life seems to be following an unscripted theme this week. That is of letting go and going on. Facing the parts of myself that are harder to look at ( insecurities, fears, judgments, frustrations) and learning that they too are a part of me. Learning to love them instead of resent them,, or rather resent myself, is not a particularly comfortable but necessary part of the path I'm on. It can't always be chocolate and roses, and I don't even want it to be. But I realized something as I wrote my affirmation into Briana and Peter Borten's "Rituals For Transformation" journal today, that I can choose for it to be. I can either decide to open eyes to the beauty that is in the world or focus on what's "ugly". And maybe what's "ugly" is what's true. My affirmation for today is "I am where I am now, and all that is, is perfect." It is that way because I wish it to be so. Isn't that the real definition of magic?