Day 8 Of 30
This week, much like the last, has been a bit of an emotional marathon. Mercury Retrograde has me feeling as if I am plodding through sand. I was incredibly exhausted. This evening my final was co-coordinating the Forum Magazine's launch party. Forum Magazine has been City College of San Francisco's literary magazine for over eight decades now.
I had envisioned the evening as a send up to the beat poetry era whose influence still reverberates through the San Francisco community. I had asked a few members of the CCSF Jazz Musician's club to accompany the poets. The event got off to a slow start but turned out to be a success. I had invited a talented poet I know to read his work. He lived closer to where I do in the East Bay Area and offered me a ride home, only to find out his car had been towed. Of course I felt terrible because I was the one who had invited him. It also stung that at the end of a big accomplishment, my silver lining was a bit tarnished.
This week has been full of these sort of happenings, and I am having to ask myself what the lesson is for me in all of this? I'm trying open a space for breathe and calm and awareness and for allowing. My yoga practice today was very yin, and I guess my spirit needed that rest and nurture for the evening to come. Ah well. Tomorrow is another day.