Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's All Me... I Am Unique!

It's All Me... I Am Unique!

Yay! Day 30! Happy birthday to me! 🎂 I made it to the finish line... or did I? Today was a free form practice. Adriene didn't lead me through the asanas. She didn't even have a particular mantra, but let her viewers come up with their own. I chose the mantra "I Am Unique". I feel as if this year I am discovering my own truths and becoming the free-spirited individual that my soul craves to be. This doesn't mean that I don't have boundaries, but rather that I define the limits and where I draw the line in the sand. Taking back parts of myself that have been denied -- maybe for many lifetimes -- feels so incredibly liberating! I'm back and I'm here to stay. I'm finally discovering the real me. I Am Unique! Don't ever forget that you are to. And that is beautiful.