Sometime the more you "try" the more ground you lose. I find it often is better to just allow. This however is a lot harder than it sounds. That old ego and the monkey mind can get in the way and cause all kinds of mischief. In today's kundalini kriya which focused on breath and endurance, I was challenged to sustain my arms in all kinds of constantly moving poses. I didn't think that I could keep going, and at those points I would chant the kundalini mantra which is "I am truth" or "truth is my identity", and I would find myself going deeper, reaching for more understanding, and indeed, finding my own truth. It was in those moments of struggle that I could really see that part of my path was giving up that struggle and just allowing the sensations to take me over. This involves the sort of surrender that the mind resists. It is when we are in our truer moments, our points of struggle that who we really are is revealed. And it is there that we learn not only who we are but who we really want to be.
Today I just needed a some space to wind down. As I write this I have a pounding headache from a detox I'm on. So I'm gonna take it slow and just feel whatever my body is trying to tell me with this pain. I won't shy away from it. I will face the void with courage and grace. I will simply... allow.
OK. TMI? Maybe. But when absent any yoga clothes, yoga in your underwear, or not so underwear, is just fine. You don't need any special fancy pants or accoutrement. So I went through my asanas today, all wobbly on one leg and incapable of finding steady footing in my half moon pose and not caring (almost full mooning). That seems to be the motto of my life at the moment. If I first I don't succeed... well you know the rest. Making it, or possibly making it up, one day at a time, because there isn't a roadmap for this s*ht! LOL. The full moon is definitely coming. I can feel it! All the blessings are coming with her. Tomorrow a gift of hers and the universe's bounty delivered through a certain Mr. "Kind And Generous" as an "investment in my future", will be coming. My brand new Canon T6 camera kit with all the bells and whistles is arriving right at this moment, somewhere along its delivery route! Life is great! I'm writing lyrics again! I'm singing again. I'm stretching and growing and changing and finding my way again. "A simpering, whimpering child again/bewitched bothered and bewildered am I" like the Richard Rogers song says. Yeah, after a rocky start to my day, that's how I"m feeling!
With the theme of the day all about forgiveness, letting go of fear and loving, I am all prepped to move ahead in my journey. I'm feeling particularly creative and inspired. I'm starting to connect more to my place in the Universe, and lots of good projects are starting to come my way - heart-centered endeavors that I'm passionate about are just appearing as if out of thin air. The synchronicity everything around me is lining up and falling into place. It's all about being in the moment right now and living with courage and hope. It's all about unconditional love and faith. Going forward, that's the space where I want to be.
I tried to be more present today but I ended up being on auto pilot for some of the day and checking out. I guess that's ok. I'm just gonna let it all hang out and see where the chips fall. Why? Because sometimes it be like that.
I feel like the theme for today is self-acceptance. As I engaged all of my muscles in Brett Larkin's Warrior III yoga flow, I wobbled on my right side and then on my left side, more than the right (I'm working on balancing out my masculine, right side body/feminine, left side body). In the "Cherry Heart" fable in the "Chakra Energy Oracle Workbook" by Tori Hartman, the meditation was all about accepting myself and others with unconditional love - all of us, even our faults. In my "Rituals For Transformation" journal by Dr. Peter and Briana Borten, I wrote the affirmation, 'My fellow beings are worthy of forgiveness, and so I am'. Forgiveness is asking us to accept that both ourselves and others have faults that we may dislike or even hate. And how do we accept, love and forgive that fact. Note this doesn't mean to condone terrible things, it means that we accept that this happened, send love to it and release the energy it into forgiveness - therefore freeing up our minds, hearts and souls from being tethered to resentment. forgiveness is a lot harder than it sounds. I like to think of it for myself as practicing the art of forgiveness, much as I practice the art of yoga. I'm not perfect at it and sometimes it's hard, like trying to hold myself in plank or crow pose, but eventually with enough practice, it will strengthen, just like my muscles, and so too will my heart.
The "Chakra Energy Oracle Workbook" said for me to write down the statement. "I accept myself", post it where I can see it all the time and repeat the affirmation whenever I think about it or thoughts like fear, doubt or worry creep in. I can add that to the affirmation I wrote in my journal "Rituals For Transformation" about forgiveness, and then blend both of those with the affirmation "I love myself and others unconditionally. I feel as if these are the key components in the recipe for emotional healing. At the core of many the practices like yoga, Reiki, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) they are key. In fact in EFT, you begin each problem with the statement "Even though I have(insert problem or issue) I deeply and completely, love, accept and forgive myself." I will spend a week releasing all that does not serve me using these affirmations whenever I am faced with a negative emotion or situations. I am also going to pick one person a day to forgive, starting with someone easy and progressing to harder cases (not forgetting to forgive myself). From there I will progress to people I don't know who I have judged for doing terrible things and see how far I can forgive -- stretching my energetic heart muscles!
I'm still kind of shaky, but I'm gaining ground (literally grounding myself deeper). Yesterday was one of those days when I felt pretty defeated. I missed deadline at my college newspaper which I have never done since I started being a reporter there since the Spring of 2016, I found out that I failed my Liberal Arts Prep. math quiz, and I hadn't heard back from my friend who was supposed to let me use his camera for shoots in exchange for me helping him learn how to use it, so I was considering trying to figure out a way to drop my photojournalism course because I was desperately in need of a camera. I went over Jay's house. Our relationship is rapidly developing intimacy at a speed that kind of scares me, but I'm working to let love into to my heart - to let it relax and breathe and grow - to work out that chakra. I felt totally vulnerable, anxiety ridden, deflated. He came in and engulfed me in his supportive arms and even helped my to cry and release my pent up emotions which is something I have a lot of trouble doing.
Fast forward to today. I started my period. While I"m never thrilled about this, I'm learning to accept this feminine part of my body's biological process as an energetic release of its own. In swimming class yesterday, I let go and jumped into the water and started to tread. Because I'm learning how to swim, this took faith and trust in myself and in the universe. But I let go and let myself fall feet-first into the water on a little jump. I knew during that who experience of working with the water element, that I was going to start my cycle which was a little late, very soon. The letting go was already happening then, and in the day s prior when I worked with, among other crystals, the shiva lingam stone that is known for unifying the divine mascaline and feminine and aiding the reproductive system. I was also working in tandem with frankincense, ylang ylang, melissa, eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender essentials oils. This along with yoga and journaling has begun to bring up intense emotions. But it's OK. The universe is listening and so is divinity, my ancestors, guides, angels and God/Goddess as well. Not only have I found help with my math, but Jay has offered to buy me a camera and give me time to pay him back. He said he looked upon it as "an investment". My heart melted.
"Kind And Generous" Written and Performed By Natalie Merchant
Today's yoga session, journaling led to some intense emotional realizations. Later a kinda sh*tty day, led to some sucky moods towards the end of it. But I was reminded by Jay who has in a very short span of time become very dear to me, that sometimes all you need is a hug, a long cuddle, a kiss, and someone to tell you it will be all be ok.
Yay! I've made it to day 100 of my yoga journey! So today I'm a little wobbly, off-center, needing a focus. It's time for some grounding exercises. Maybe it's the effects of the current moon cycle, or Neptune playing tricks with my mind, but I"m feeling pretty spacey. I'm going to take it easy and do what I can. Take an herbal bath and rest, relax and restore. In both my "Rituals For Transformation" by Dr. Peter and Briana Borten and my "Chakra Energy Oracle" workbook by Tori Hartman, I have been encouraged to find my own truth - or as that say in kundalini yoga, my Sat Nam. Even my yoga practice with Brett Larkin today was about facing the truths. some of them were pretty ugly, but that's the only way you can get down to the nitty gritty of your soul and release it all to connect with your higher self. Still it could be the fact that I've been holding onto the Peacock Ore and Clear quartz crystals and that I could literally feel them breaking up stuck energies in my chakras. Either way, I can feel that something good, albeit uncomfortable is happening. I am grateful.
I realize that I am still finding my place in this world, even after all the soul-searching that I have been called to do, I must go deeper into meditation still and find more answers -- not the answer, but more answers. I am working on clearing my mind and clarifying my purpose. I set an intention to do just that. Maybe the "Clarity And Order Crystal Layout" I am working on today will begin to set matters straight. As I covered the "Cherry Heart" red chakra lesson in Tori Hartman's "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit", I realized that the following statement I wrote down after completing this week's lesson is true. 'The one thing missing from my life is purpose, and when I get that, I can develop the follow-through and drive that I need to accomplish my goals. I have set the intention to reach out to the Universe and my guides and angels so that they can shine a light on my path and clarify my life's purpose. I really want to get crystal clear on this. Pun intended. LOL.
I had an epiphany all over again. That aha moment is the power of choice. Today I really feel as if I understand what that means. As I made all the little choices throughout my day, I began to be keenly aware of when I chose states such as love, peace, tranquility and joy over fear, suspicion, lack, guilt and shame. With that realization comes a power to change. To transmute and restore, to adjust the way that I react to my environment and those around me -- to be more whole and connect more fully with my higher self and my highest good. In my yoga session today with Brett Larkin, we used yin yoga and kundalini yoga to begin to completely transform our energies. It was eye-opening. Later on that day, I begin to realize how I need to get back into the more ritualistic aspects of my life and spirituality practices. I also constructed one of three crystal grids that I plan to put up. This first one is for love, peace and tranquility. The next ones are going to be prosperity and financial abundance and the the other one is going to be a grid to promote clarity and organization in my life. If you would like your name to be put in this healing grid or in the other two, please send me a message via @thathealinggirl on Facebook. Have a blessed day!
I'm still trying to "get there" whatever that means. I realize that this is more than a destination though, and that the "there" are simply goalposts in the road map that is my existence in this lifetime. I can either choose to travel in joy or misery. I'm learning that even in my darkest moments, there is joy to be had. The process of practicing to get to the middle split is letting me see that more than ever. I am no where near achieving this post, and yet the adventure of trying is it's own reward. More and more, my purpose is unfolding, and I don't even have to know the hows or whens or where's right now. That is important is being fully present in the moment while it is happening and living in those precious connections, second to second and minute to minute, completely embracing the totality of it all. To be inside 360 degree joy.
Today, I took going with the flow even deeper as I purged more and more negative energies from my psyche. I have been practicing the grounding exercises in "Basic Psychic Develop" by John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher to release anymore negativity from my aura. In the exercises I imagine a green cord anchoring my root chakra down to the earth's core. I imagine vital earth energy going through my feet and legs and circulating into my solar plexus and throughout my entire aura. Than any unwanted energies are sent down the cord where they can be assimilated into the earth. I have been doing that all day, whenever I can think about it, to ground myself. Meditation, grounding and staying in the flow of The Universe have been my aim today.
I'm sensing some rocky times ahead! Now is the time to give myself the love and nurtnuring I need. To accomplish tasks and move with the currents of life with a sense fluidity even though there may be rocks in the river to create growth and change.
Today's tarot reading from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle" should probably fill me with at least a bit of trepidation, buy oddly it doesn't. I am tapping into the assistance of my angels and guides and of an ever-growing courageousness that I feel building up inside of my soul. It feels very new even though I know it's always been there , waiting within me like kundalini. The first card I drew "Door To Romance" probably has to do with the amazing V-Day I had yesterday and all the warm beautiful romance that promises on the horizon. " Hostilities" I feel has to do with a current problem that the jazz club that I'm the VP of on campus has. There are definitely hostilities there from the administration that our club has to deal with. And finally there is the "Financial Constraints" card which is telling me to watch my spending. I'm working to create abundance in my life though, and I am confident that I will be seeing that card less and less. The general consensus is that I'm taking this all in stride and not panicking and giving way anxiety. I call that a win in my book!
Valentine's day! Today I was living in the flow of life. Synchronicity is clicking into place like the mechanisms of a safe lock that I have the combination to. I can't explain it but really feel like I'm riding on the waves of life no matter how big they may be, and I'm surfing them with ease.
My life seems to be following an unscripted theme this week. That is of letting go and going on. Facing the parts of myself that are harder to look at ( insecurities, fears, judgments, frustrations) and learning that they too are a part of me. Learning to love them instead of resent them,, or rather resent myself, is not a particularly comfortable but necessary part of the path I'm on. It can't always be chocolate and roses, and I don't even want it to be. But I realized something as I wrote my affirmation into Briana and Peter Borten's "Rituals For Transformation" journal today, that I can choose for it to be. I can either decide to open eyes to the beauty that is in the world or focus on what's "ugly". And maybe what's "ugly" is what's true. My affirmation for today is "I am where I am now, and all that is, is perfect." It is that way because I wish it to be so. Isn't that the real definition of magic?
I'm getting back into the groove of a brand new yoga challenge. It feels different but in a good way. This is day 2 of. Brett Larkin's 21 day Detox Fusion yoga pledge. 21 days of yin, hatha and kundalini yoga styles fused together ❤ in one seamless practice are already beginning to work their magic as I cleanse deeply at a soul level. I can't wait to see where this inner journey takes me too. I'm firmly set on the road, taking one step 🚶 and putting one foot (sometimes shaky, sometimes firmly) in front of the other. Namaste!
Today I worked my way through Brett Larkin's 21-day yoga challenge to detox my body for the New Year! It's only the first day in this and I can already see that it's going to be a unique healing experience for me. This weekend was all about restoration and letting go. As I have written in the last few blogs, I was waylaid by a really bad flu this past week that really put me out of commission. I had to rest, recoup and regroup. And now I'm back and ready to get my week started off on a bright note. First it's fast approaching Valentine's Day, which I am so blessed to share with someone special. But even before it was a romantic day for me, I always regarded V-Day as a time to show love to both yourself and others - as well as an occasion to spoil yourself just a little bit. A space where you can celebrate your inner romantic and pursue what makes you passionate about life even if it's not with another person -- when you can take bubble baths, bliss out with yin yoga and deeply loving meditations, make decadent smoothies or sweet treats, and nourish your heart and sacral chakras. I head into that week with a sense that I am going to take care of myself and my well-being and show others how much I care as well. So let the loving begin this week!
Today's yoga practice marked the official 90-day point in my yoga journey. Ten more days, on February 20th will be my 100th day of non-stop communions with my self on the mat. How long will my yoga be there for me? Forever of course -- as long as I have this physical vehicle. And perhaps farther beyond that, into my next lifetime. And that is the synchronicity of the whole thing -- the poetry of movement that is this soul's path -- it's inertia towards healing that sometimes seems like a circular road. In that acknowledgement there is a deeper meaning to this state that we label existence. It makes "being" something more expansive.
As I approach the finish of one yoga challenge and move into another, I feel a bit of a glitch of resistance telling me that I will be starting another commitment to my practice -- a hint of fear and of promise -- the beginning of another inner adventure. Every breath I take is feeling a little "truer" (pun intended) and a little freer. Today I was gifted a beautiful copper and bronze bracelet charged with the intentions of protection and grounding by Jay -- a dear friend who it seems is becoming more. This happened shortly after a meditation of love and connection I did utilizing the beautiful calming energies of the aqua blue frequency. I have a feeling that the positive implications of this meditation will be playing out in even more moments in the future. For now it has bestowed upon me a lovely gift of protection and trust and has colored my day with a shield of serenity. I am blessed. I am loved.
Adriene's yoga practices are often uncannily accurate for where I am in my life. I must have been drawn to her yoga channel by The Universe. Today I had a pretty honest and yet incredibly freeing realization about myself in the meditations that directly followed my asanas with Adriene this afternoon. I had woken up really late after a deep sleep that my healing body sorely, and I do me sorely needed. I was still all stiff and achy from being so sick this past week. And as these things often present themselves to us, it was a surprising introduction to my conscious mind from my subconscious mind about it's motives and underpinnings. The revelation came to me while I was meditating on the advice in today's journal activity for "Rituals For Transformation" By Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. It was about being aware of how energy comes and goes in our body. The mantra I wrote before meditating was 'I am aware of the nature in which my energy comes and goes.' I as I focused on my breathe and thoughts came and went on those breathes, I began to see how much energy I give to the outcome and the things I fear in the outcome. Also how much that affects my interactions with others and the state of my existence. I saw that a lot of my worries, anxieties and bouts with insomnia came from me giving energy to a certain expected outcome. But this outcome that I built in my mind often never came and then I would go on to dreading the next terrible expected outcome. There was a destructive pattern going on here.
Now that I am fully aware of this, I can stop it whenever I notice myself doing it. I thought WOW, how long have I been doing this?! I realized that I how I allowed other people's moods to affect my energies. Granted I understand that a lot of this comes from being and em-path and being very naturally receptive to people's moods. But being an em-path is a gift and I need to learn how to use it without being bowled over by outside emotions all the time. And for the first time, now I can conceive of how I can do that without (another groundless fear of expected outcome) losing my compassion. I'm exercising compassion for myself and others right now just by helping myself to help them better. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I have lost so many loved ones and had so many "bad" things happen to me that this has caused me to fear what the future may hold, instead of being open to it. What an amazing realization about myself!
The "Yin/Yang" card is all about moving in the flow of life -- surfing 🏄 ever-present and often unpredictable waves of movement. While being in the flow there is no time for fear, only presence and positive action. That is the frame of mind I am consciously moving through life with today. It feels so free and beautiful. I love it!
Continuing To Connect To A Place Of Healing And Stillness
Today's practice was nice and dreamy. It was about 6:30 am when started moving through asanas with Adriene and connecting to a place of stillness, perhaps even more than in yesterday's time spent on the mat. Most of the day was quiet after I had to leave classes and my responsibilities behind for the moment to tend to myself. I tried to bite off more than I could and take on the world before I was fully healed, and was humbled by the limits of my physical body and taught lesson in self-care that was mine to take with grace and aplomb. Now I am so much better rested. We'll see what tomorrow brings. It seems like a promise of adventure hanging around the next corner. 😎
Today's yoga practice was all about stillness -- finding those authentic moments within yourself to be present and whole, even in your imperfections. My journaling and conscious reading materials are allowing the precious space for me to do just that. It's OK for me to move ahead even if everything in my life isn't perfect. I can just focus on the amazing things that are working more me right now and be grateful. I have a roof over my head, I have an amazing new guy in my life, I have a beautiful, loving cat named Fjord, and an abundance of friends and supporters. Life is great! Now I just have to ask the Universe for financial abundance and line up to get ready for it. I feel more like myself then I have in years.
I realize that it was my last yoga challenge that helped me to feel connected to my higher self. And that it was around that time that I moved to San Francisco with my late sister who at that time had recently been diagnosed with cancer. It was this move to San Francisco that set so many positive experiences in motion for me that changed my life. But when my sister asked me if I wanted to consolidate the failing business I was hanging onto and leave to the Big City, a place where I didn't know anyone, didn't have a job in, carrying a large amount of bills and debt in tow, I said yes. In retrospect I realize that I was fully committed to my yoga practice then and reading books like "Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More" by Ihaleakaia Hew Len and Joe Vitale -- a groundbreaking book about ho'opono'pono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of love and forgiveness. I noticed yoga was the thing that I took up again after my breakup with my long-term partner of almost a decade, as I was preparing to leave San Francisco after my sister passed the rents skyrocketed, and I was sleeping on a cot with my cats, most of stuff in storage and me spending some night drinking alcohol and crying. My yoga practice was there when I "miraculously" found a new place to live a few cities over in Richmond California, and spent days binge-watching TV shows and crying over romantic movies in my pillow while nursing an injured arm on Disability. And it was present to help me heal my arm, when I found a new job, a wonderful friend Claire to have an amazing trip to Mexico with (who sadly passed away in the summer of last year) and when that job not longer was serving me to help me find a new better job with equal pay. Now as I progress toward my goal of one year of yoga without missing a single day, and I get closer to my 100th day, I know that my practice will be here for me through thick or thin, no matter what. I have it as a constant companion forever. And that it is the physical practice of movement that represents the unique relationship between my mind, body and spirit.
I think it's highly appropriate that my three-card reading today happened to be photographed on the back of one of my favorite blankets -- a Christmas present I received in 2016 when I least expected it. It was a reminder that abundance is all around me if I choose to see it. My reading to day bolsters my inner-knowing that I am destined for a life of bounty and joy! The card "Man Holding A Coin" which came up in a previous reading shows me that I am set of achieving my best life against all odds -- that I am developing an millionaire mindset. "Magician In The Mirror" means that I'm coming into my own power and that I have the ability to make magic! "Blossoming Abundance is saying looking out world, here I come! All the joy and beauty that I have imagined and more are waiting for me me to reach out and grab them.
So It's time to introduce my readers to two books that I have recently started to peruse. One is called "Basic Psychic Development" by John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher. This is a wonderful book for anyone who like me are exploring world of things unseen and have been using their intuition and third eye to see the Universe with. It is helping me to get my own back. I highly recommend it. Another book I am reading is called "Becoming Magic"" By Genevieve Davis. This book is a no-nonsense look at the Law of Attraction principles. It's groundbreaking. If you want to be the director of your own purpose and create magic for yourself get it now. I just downloaded it off Amazon yesterday evening and it is pure gold!
"I Believe In Miracles" Performed By Hot Chocolate
Even though I woke up groggy on Jay's futon, still reeling from my flu, but on the road to recovery thanks to his caring and healing ministrations during the weekend. I felt grateful, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, being roused gently, given a long loving hug, and sent home with two containers of the homemade soup he made me for dinner the evening before and a crisp apple, and greeting the brightness of the morning sun that shone down on me through as he drove me home in his electric powered car.
Of course as life often does, when I got home, I had discovered that my roommate had finally rented out the spare room, I had to navigate the territory of one of my neighbor's moving, tackle the ongoing problem of organizing my room, try and put out a fire at the my college newspaper paper over text and email, get a memory card for a camera I don't know how to use so that I can shoot three pictures for my photojournalism class and wash my cat. It's all in a day's work.
Somewhere between all the chores and errands, I realized that these things aren't going to magically disappear for me to live out my true purpose, but I'm going to have to navigate around them and zero in on the things that are of the most importance to me. It's like today's lesson in my "Rituals For Transformation" journal says. I have to choose where I put my energies, because what I put my energy on will grow and thrive. I choose to put my energies on my goals and dreams from now on! It's as simple as that. From that rich focused soil, my life will take on greater meaning and passion. From there, my spirit will grow.
As I head closer to the 90 day mark on my yoga journey, I am learning so much about myself because of the valuable inner work that I have done. Today I'm still recovering from being sick and I am taking it nice and easy. Just like Yoga With Adriene's "Be Kind" practice which focuses on being loving and compassionate with yourself. Today was about nurturing and self-care and today. And I received TLC from myself and others.
It's important to find balance in your life. And that is what today's practice was all about and what today was all about for me. I caught a bad cold which started yesterday and just sort of blindsided me the way colds can often do with the swiftness at which the symptoms became full-blown. So for me day 23 of the "True" challenge on the "Yoga With Adriene" Youtube channel, gave me just what I needed. It was the perfect mix of a little fire and sweat with mostly calming, thoughtful poses. Now it's time for my body to experience some hard-core rest and rejuvenation!
Today I decided to let whatever feelings I had just bubble up to the surface and hang out. It all started with the Adriene's "Release" yoga practice and then flowed into my morning journaling and out into my day. I'm continuing the theme of releasing resistance -- letting go of the emotions that I've been so desperately hanging onto. I met a poet named Gregory Pond today at a potluck to support artists and other creative individuals. I read the poems in his book, appropriately titled "After Moon" just 2 days after the last triple full moon/blood moon/eclipse. Much of his poetry struck a chord with me, including one entitled "boxed in".
i found myself
trapped in a box
too tired
to fold back the flaps
too weak
to break the seal
I felt like this once I thought. When I left the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. The feelings of that time in my life emerged. One musician at the party started playing an exotic stringed instrument, and singing. One man in starting half singing, half chanting. A woman began striking various singing bowls that were lined up on a table adjacent some tea, a large jar of honey and some chips and a small dish of guacamole. I sat there spilling my guts to the poet with a vintage 1970's songbook in my lap, nursing a teacup and the beginnings of a fever and a bad cold. Yes. It was that kind of party.
Yoga today was all about not forcing, about surrendering to the challenge and not fighting it, fighting the process of change and growth. Things must be lining up in the Universe because I feel so connected to the ley lines of the earth, to the cosmos -- so in tune with life's synchronicities. In Tori Hartman's workbook "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit: A 52-Week Journey of Self-Discovery With The Lost Fables", I explored the fable of "Crimson Dreams" and examined how much of my life is passing me by because of complacency. I meditated and wrote in my journal about what that means for me. I realized that I could rejoice about a lot of things that I have become active about, like being more on time, conquering goals like learning to swim, creating a daily yoga and meditation practice and so forth. But there are dreams that I have been neglecting out of fear. Traveling aspirations, musical aspirations, wealth building, de-cluttering my living space, etc. There are areas of my life that I am still resisting change in. In "Rituals of Transformation, I explored this concept and was able to link my complacency directly to my resistance to what is. I feel as if I can use what I learned from the wise and gentle techniques of "The Sedona Method" By Hale Dwoskin and from "The Emotional Freedom Technique" pioneered by Gary Craig. I have all the tools necessary to create the life of my dreams. All these things and even better things to come!