Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Thursday, May 31, 2018

How Do I Feel?

That's the question I've been asking myself. It's been about three days since I last wrote in my blog. Although I still kept up my yoga practice, my meditation and journaling as definitely suffered from my current set of events. On Monday just before the last rehearsal for the Jazz Club I helped form (we performed yesterday on May 30th at Bird & Beckett Books in San Francisco) I found our that my friend Rhonnel had been taken off life support despite the news that he was originally going to be given another week. I had mentally prepared myself, although emotionally it was much harder to. I knew that his chances of recovery were almost nonexistent, so the news didn't come to me as a major shock. Still, I was left sad and numb and emotionally fatigued in its wake. Honestly, I didn't know what to do, so I went on to my rehearsal and laughed and smiled and practiced parts of our two hour set even though I felt listless at points and at times filled with gratitude for the music and fellowship I enjoy with the Jazz Club.

The next day on Tuesday, possibly because of stress and the overload of emotions, I came down with a kidney infection. I was in so much pain and I listened a ton of isochronic tones on YouTube and drink copious amounts of water, tea with tulsi, turmeric and ginger in it, and drank almost an entire bottle of cranberry juice. I was still in a lot of pain when I went to sleep that evening before the performance and was up to four a.m. in the morning because of the discomfort. Finally I managed to slump to a side that was more bearable and dose off. The tones and fluids must have worked because when I woke up I was in much less pain than the previous day. I ended up taking two 800 mg strength ibuprofen that I had from a doctor's visit a while back. They worked to take away the pain.

The performance went off without a hitch and was actually one of the happiest moments of my life. Even though there were technical difficulties with the microphones giving feedback, the logistics of the number of people on such a small stage and fact the the power went out right in the middle of my solo, we all soldiered on and the event was a total success. We were invited back to play again.  I will remember it when I'm old and gray. It was truly and amazing event. And at the end of it, Jay who had cheered me on was there for me to tell about the trials and joys of my week. This afternoon I have a doctor's appointment scheduled to check myself out and hopefully if all goes well, a hot date this evening. Yes I'm still dealing with grief and emotional trauma, but I'm working through it as opposed to going around it or over it. I am laughing, crying, working out and sweating, making love and loving, waking up and living.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Getting Active Again

Today I'm taking a step forward to get moving and active again. I realize that I can accomplish nothing by moping around all day long. I need to make my emotions work for me rather than against me. Of course this is easier said than done, and at the end of the day some emotions are just too damn hard to power through. With that said, I will do what I can to survive them, process them, work through them and to keep moving as I experience them so that I don't go into an emotional atrophy and get stuck replaying them over and over again. There is nothing better to shake up stagnant feelings than some yoga, some movement and some meditation. It's Sunday, and I'm taking stock of my goals, recharging and restructuring for the future. All I can do is stop, pause, take a mindful moment and keep on going.

On And On by Erykah Badu

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Letting It All Out

Letting It All Out

I've just been riding the rollercoaster of emotions lately and they have been many and varied. Sometimes I'm numb to it all, others I'm anxious, at other times I'm balling my eyes out. And now I just don't know how to feel anymore. I've been pondering the merits of gratitude lately and even with the events of the past few days, I'm grateful for the support system and the friends that I have left. I just found out that my friend is still on life support for another week. I don't know how I feel about that either. No matter what happens, I'm going to try and find the moments of joy where I can even in the darkest moments -- realizing that life can't always be clear-cut with everything tied up neatly in a bow. It's messy, it's challenging, it's painful, it's miraculous and its paths are often uncertain. Abd that is both the frustration and the beauty of it. So I am going to let the laughter and the tears flow.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Taking A Moment

Today I'm giving myself time to reflect. I'm taking all the moments that I need to feel whatever it is that I need to feel and to come to terms with the ever-changing currents of life that I find myself awash in. I'm just allowing for whatever I need to go through right now. Healing takes time and I'm going to give myself all the space that I need in order to move forward again.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

On Losing Loved Ones

On Losing Loved Ones

The one thing that I can say about the loss of a loved one is that no matter how many times you deal with the aftermath of death and the grief that follows, it never gets any easier. In fact it actually gets harder with each subsequent loss. Today I learned that my friend and next door neighbor Rhonnel is going to be pulled off life support tomorrow after he collapsed with an aneurysm the day before yesterday shortly before 10 a.m. in the morning. I'm going through a roller coaster of emotions, memories and regrets right now. Never again will we binge-watch Netflix on the living room couch, or share a curry wrap, share laughs at a neighborhood BBQ or battle rounds of Tekken on PlayStation. Today I said goodbye to my friend and I'll never see him again. This is the third friend that I've loss in less than a year and it's really hard. I'm trying to come to terms with this all. You never know when someone that you care about can just be gone so cherish the moments you have with them while you can. That only constant in this Universe is love, of that I am sure.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Highs And Lows And Finding Calm In The Storm

Highs And Lows And Finding Calm In The Storm

This morning I woke up to my next door neighbor's mom beating on my window. It turns out that he had collapsed and hit his head and was rendered unconscious. I called an ambulance and they rushed him to the ER. He is now in critical care. After accompanying his mother to the hospital, where I stayed for a few hours, I left for the last of my rehearsals before the end of semester jazz performance. It felt strange at first having the rehearsal go on as normal, but since I have about 5 songs in the set and the performance is set for next week Wednesday, I had to go. This happened just about three months shy of the anniversary of one of my best friend and next door neighbor Claire's passing in August of last year. Claire was also a friend of Rhonel as well as my roommate Todd who drove me and Rhonel's mother to the hospital. The fact that I've replayed this scene of watching a loved one in critical care in a hospital bed many times was definitely not lost on me. I'm beginning to wonder if there is some kind of Divine plan or karma in all of this that I am being made aware of. The significance of the amount of dear loved ones who I've lost or have had to witness through serious illnesses is growing. It's making me ask myself what I am doing to attract this or if this is part of a larger pattern? Only time will tell. Until then I will follow the road that I am led down and explore the larger journey within.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Calm And Steady

Calm And Steady

What I need to cultivate today is more a fresher and more serene approach to my day. I am setting an intention to bring the balance and serenity that I have a developed in this morning's yoga practice to everything that I do in the day thus far. When I feel stress I can take deep breaths and find stillness inside to achieve my goals. I can ask myself what it is that I need to make my day run more smoothly and then put  my endeavors there with a minimum of fuss, remembering to stay centered. I just have to remember that whenever I take a new step towards my goal to slowing inhale... exhale.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Finding My Energy Again!

Finding My Energy Again!

This was the perfect yoga practice for me. I got up at 6:15 am bright and early, just in time to take an Uber to the Bay To Breakers race and snag some amazing photos!📷 Today was all about living in the moment and practicing gratitude. And today I couldn't have been happier to receive the bounties of love and friendship that I did. After the Bay To Breakers, I went to Jay's friend Morgan's house and I played my first D&D role playing game ever! To those of you not in the know, D&D stands for Dungeons and Dragons. I had a lot of fun and was even gifted 🎁 with my own gaming dice set. It was the perfect way to end the day -- that and being in Jay's arms. Sigh...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

At The End Of The Day...

At The End Of The Day...

I ended the day with a lot more optimism and energy than I started it with, which is all that anyone can ask for. Today's yoga practice was just what I needed to wake up and take on the day. Now I can go into my meditation before I head off to bed. I'm going to try my hand at photographing San Francisco's famous Bay to Breakers race. It should make for an exciting day if I can manage to wake up that early. Let's see what tomorrow holds!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Finding My Inner Sunshine

My yoga practice today was called Yoga For Beginner's Mind from the Yoga With Adrienne YouTube channel. It was just what I needed along with a sunny little meditation from Tori Hartman's "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit" workbook that encouraged me to look within for my happiness and imagine a bright ball of sunshine permeating my entire being starting at my solar plexus. What better way  to stay connected to your instincts than to go from your gut -- a primal place of understanding and processing of action and movement! I plan to practice this meditation throughout the day to align myself with the things that I want to manifest for my highest good -- the things that bring me my hopes, dreams and desires. I'm letting go of resistance in my world view and giving up the ghosts of past failures that  have haunted me. I am open to letting all the wonderful things into my life that I deserve!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Moving Through My Life With Joy

Moving Through My Life With Joy

I'm am exploring a question lately. How can I find more ways to move through my life with joy? How can I create an existence of peace and happiness despite the memories of the different tragedies I've experienced on the path of enlightenment thus far? Today's activity in Tori Hartman's "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit" workbook examined the fable of "Dancin' Daisy" even further. It asked me to make a list of all the things that bring me joy in my life and write them down and commit to doing at list one of these things each week. Curious about what I wrote? My list was surprisingly easy to make. I was holding my little kitty Fjord in my arms when I read the assignment. I had my notebook right next to me and so I wrote:

1. Holding my baby kitty Fjord while reading sci-fi, fantasy or romance novels, or watching Netflix
2. Cuddling with Jay
3. Singing
4. Playing piano
5. Listening to music
6. Going to the ocean
7. Being with friends
8. Dancing
9. Taking aromatherapy baths.
10. Writing fiction, poetry or song lyrics
11. Photography
12. Healing crystals
13. Of course yoga! I'm just a little over 6 months into my daily yoga practice ( I haven't missed a day!)

Then I dawned on me that all the persons, places and things that bring me joy are just some of the many reasons I have to be grateful! If anyone wants to, feel free to write down your own joy list in the comments section of this post!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Deepening My Yoga And Meditation Practice

Deepening My Yoga And Meditation Practice

I've noticed that my yoga and meditation practice is starting to move to a difference place in my reality. I'm not sure where it's going to end up and that is all part of the growth. I know that the more I practice, the more essential it becomes to me that I practice on a daily basis. Today I felt much more grounded on the mat and assured in my practice. I am so grateful that my energy level has increased to the point where I am able to enjoy longer and more strenuous yoga sessions Also, the form of my asanas is getting much better as well as my level of flexibility. I am so pleased with this. I am so happy that I yoga has re-entered my life and has allowed me to add a new dimension to being in this world. I has saved me so many times from my anxiety levels and has relieved me of stress and worry on many occasions. I honestly don't know what I would do without it sometimes. It's more than the amount of physical movement and shapes that I can bend myself into, it's the way I can hold space for the energy of breath and tranquility -- it's the calm that it helps me to tap into that comes from deep within.

Monday, May 14, 2018

On Being Happy

On Being Happy

After reading today's fable in Tori Hartman's "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit" workbook entitled "Joy Dancin' Daisy", I am pondering the nature of true joy and happiness. The "Dancin Daisy" fable encourages me to look within myself for all the moments of true happiness that I can find and not to analyze them or tear them apart with thoughts from my monkey-mind, but just to acknowledge that these moments of true joy are out there, recognize them for what they are and examine exactly how I can express gratitude for them. It is through this acceptance that that these feelings can naturally multiply -- no forcing or wishing required. We just have to notice them, appreciate them and give thanks for them each time they show up in our lives. I had many such moments yesterday. I was enjoying the simplicity and beauty of Jay's company. And there was one moment, a lull while he was nearby busying himself on a computer game and I was about to read a book where I turned over and closed my eyes to the perfect warmth of the sunshine and knew that he was there and I smiled into the sun with my eyes closed, basking in its bright glow. I felt truly at peace. Today on the yoga mat with my large Norwegian tabby Fjord and my my yoga mat, I felt a similar simplicity of love and joy. Fjord came and nudged my head while I was in child's pose, attempting to lick the essential oils I had rubbed on my chest off of my fingers. It was so sweet and I have to say that I really feel fortunate today. I'm sitting here writing this and giving thanks for the blessings I have. Namaste!

More Notes On Peace

More Notes On Peace

It has been more and more important to me that I gain peace ✌ from within. Separating my reactions both emotional and physical from a situation or state of mind is key to part of my journey on the road to enlightenment. I view enlightenment in the terms of a state of being and a conscious effort of a lifetime rather than an achievement.

Yesterday was so busy that I almost forgot my yoga practice for the day. It was nearly two in the morning and I sat straight up in bed remembering, and realizing that I could either go to bed or practice before I closed my eyes. The choice was easy -- a brief, simple bedtime yoga session from the Yoga With Adrienne YouTube channel. You always have a choice, and I chose not to give up my nearly eight month stretch of regular daily yoga that I have practiced every day before I close my eyes at night. 🌙 I feel like the beginning of becoming enlightened is to commit to positive practices of both mind and body. Yoga and meditation have become my both go-to and my to-do. They are some of the best additions to my everyday they I have ever added. I can't wait to see where a few years of steady practice will take me!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Finding Peace In The Swirling Sea Within

Finding Peace In The Swirling Sea Within

Today my anxiety ramped up again when I found out that my roommate's sister had been in a serious car accident and is in serious condition. I don't know her extremely well but we have spent some social functions and holiday events together. Now it seems that I am facing the feeling of seeing a friend of mine go through exactly what I have gone through (and unfortunately he has also gone through) time and time again. So I really needed to tune in and ground myself in the moment. There is nothing any of can do but wait to hear updates of her progress from the doctors. I'm so sad that this has happened. Now all I can do is try to find peace within the tumultuous emotions that are surfacing within me like debris that is stirred up from a storm on the sea. I am doing my best to surf the waves of feelings that this is bringing up within me.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Getting Grounded Again

Sometime between yesterday and today, I got a little shaky and off-center in the doing of all my tasks. This afternoon, I realized that I needed to infuse a some grounding back into my life, so that I can get a bit of my own back. It has been a busy week thus far and I have come to terms with the fact that I don't have to do everything perfectly, but sometimes that impulse to over-think and "monkey mind" everything tries to take over again. At least now I know what's happening when I see it and I can relax and relinquish that tight grip on my existence and remember to breath -- confident in the knowledge that everything is going to work out for the best and that it always does somehow. This yoga practice really helped me a lot. More kudos to the Yoga With Adrienne channel!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Exactly What I Needed!

Exactly What I Needed!

OMG was this practice everything that I needed to do and hear in the moment! Since at least a week, I had been plagued by thoughts of self-doubt about my performance and singing abilities and my life path in general. And then I went up there on stage and I felt that I just 'hit in out of the park' in terms of my performance. It was an awesome feeling and then the next day when I thought about the things I have to finish up before the end of the semester, I started to get anxious and doubt myself yet again. After I completed this Yoga With Adrienne practice to conquer the times when you simply don't believe in yourself enough, I begin to see the patterns of the times when I doubt myself and how it can often be a vicious cycle. I'm committed to working through this tendency, not by pulling away from the uncomfortable emotions that self-doubt can generate, but by examining them, facing them with frankness and honesty, learning what I need to and then letting it go.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth

So in this crystallization of time, this second of mental, spiritual, emotional and physical growth, I am feeling the weight of all my decisions. How will I respond to everything that is being asked of me? How will I react to the truth of understanding that dawns on us something -- hitting us like a brick of realization? For me that realization is dealing with feelings of self-doubt and fears about my proficiency as a singer and performer. I somethings wonder if I'm good enough to be around all the talent that I have the privilege to enjoy in my musical social circle. I know that this is coming from a deeper place -- a wound created by my childhood, when people didn't believe in me or think I was capable of great things. My challenge today is to take a deep breath and just melt into the moment of truth when it comes and to infuse with playfulness and lighthearted energy. I can ask myself, if this was my last day or chance to be on earth, would I want to spend it in fretting and worrying, or would I choose joy instead? I want to choose joy.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Tired But Inspired!

Tired But Inspired!

I needed a dose of caffeine after my morning yoga and then I had to head off to my classes. I have a performance tomorrow, and maybe it's the stress I have faced over the last two week, or the toll that being sick took on my whole system and frazzled nerves, but I find my self nervous. There are points durning the day when I wonder if I can do it. Logically I know I can, and that all I have to do is just get out there and have fun, but still the nagging little spears of self-doubt remain amid all the happy parts. Maybe the key is just to accept the whole picture with both the good and bad feelings and just let everything go. I think I'm going to practice doing that tomorrow. This is me letting on and letting God/Goddess take the wheel. And cue second yoga practice....

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Moving With Confidence

Moving With Confidence

Today I felt so much better about myself, in large part due to my exploration of what makes up the pleasurable and painful situations we experience in life, and finding ways to come to terms with the how the tragedies of my life intersect with its most joyful experiences. As Jay told me yesterday when I was getting in touch with that pain, "Life isn't fair.". That statement rung true for me. A lot about my life's journey up until now has been wrought with sorrow and disappointment. That's not to say that I didn't have many breathtaking and amazing experiences to take snapshots of, it's just that I honor and accept that moments of intense sadness have most definitely also been a part of that tapestry. Where does that leave me? Well, honestly, I'm still figuring that part out. Right now I'm deeply aware of both states of being in my mind's eye, and that's OK -- healing even. I sense that my coming to terms with these dualities, is going to be the focus of the summer, and maybe the rest of the year. It's better to face the shadows than to run from them - even if you're fleeing into the beauty of the light.

It's Late!

It's Late!

OMG! 😲 look at the time. Yes it's late, but the day didn't feel complete without jotting a few words down in my blog. Yes I'm managing my anxiety and yes yoga and meditation are helping. Aromatherapy is helping me tackle the fret and worry beast as well. Then there's the mindful journaling. I'm going to master the fine art of being.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Keep On Going!

Keep On Going!

Just keep towing the line! That seems to be great advice as this semester comes to a close and summer gets closer  and closer. That's just what I'm going to do. Even when the going gets tough, I'm not going to give up. I chose today's practice because I needed to keep my eye on the ball and go for the gold. I have end of semester projects to complete and a two concerts to sing in for the month of May - one on the the 8th of this month and another on the 30th. I love doing what I do and now it's time to start making it work for me. I plan to serve up videos both on a "That Healing Girl" Youtube Channel and on my Adina Pernell Youtube channel to marking my singing and musical pursuits. I also plan to write a book on crystal healing. I've got a lot of work to do this summer (most of all in fun). It's time to fire up my goals and get moving!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Where Do I Go From Here?

Where Do I Go From Here?

To loosely quote Joss Whedon, that is the question of the day. I'm feeling hopeful, inspired, joyful even. No I don't know what the future may hold, but that's sort of the point -- taking a leap on faith. I don't have to be 100 percent sure of the outcome to go with my gut and choose a path of adventure and wild abandon. It's a place to start forging the life of my dreams. It's time to start dreaming again!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Picking Up The Pace

Picking Up The Pace

I'm back in the flow of life again and I'm feeling like the shadows of illness and fatigue are moving away and the last vestiges of sickness are leaving my body. And it feels really good! I'm stretching my muscles a bit more in yoga and I think I'm ready to start longer practices again - maybe 20 minutes or so to begin with and then incorporate some 30 and 45 minute practices in there again. My first forays into the swimming pool again in swim class convinced me that I want to keep swimming a part of my regular routine throughout the summer. So when school is not in session, I need to find a community pool to keep my busy. It's great exercise and it's so calming to be in the water and at one with such a formless element. I'm still taking it easy though, but that's more than OK. I'm excited for the promise of summer!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Getting Through It All

Getting Through It All

Today I got so much done! I've nearly wrapped up the photo 📷 story that I'm working on, I worked on the songs for the upcoming Spring Jazz Concert at City College of San Francisco and I'm finalizing things for the performance that the jazz club at the college is going to hold at Bird And Beckett. The word that sums up all the positive endeavors I'm pursuing is simple. This is what accomplished feels like. ☺