Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Pacing Myself As I Go Forward

Pacing Myself As I Go Forward

This short simple yoga practice on the SarahBeth yoga YouTube channel primed me for the day ahead. It was energetic, but not too enthusiastic for a day when I still felt rough around that edges and was plagued by off-and-on-again bouts of fatigue. I ordered my vitamins off Amazon and have my protein smoothies and my whole foods based shopping list ( and by whole foods, I mean processed and not the famous grocery store. I'm going make some more anti inflammatory soup tomorrow and a big green salad with organic cherry tomatoes. I kind of fell off the wagon today and ate some processed foods, but I realized that it was just a gut reflex (literally) and that I didn't even really want to eat it. My body needs the simple whole ingredients to repair itself. It craves the herbal teas and homemade soups and dishes that I make myself. Time for more healing aromatherapy baths, chi energy sequences, Reiki, and of course yoga!

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