Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Friday, November 24, 2017

I Release...

I Release...

Today "I Released" all the things that no longer serve my highest good. I woke up this morning feeling tired and depressed and turned to my yoga practice. Yoga Camp day 11, has been so rewarding. I realized that when you let go off the stuff you no longer need, that becomes like psychic junk that clogs the forward momentum of your life, you can move farther along a path that is closer to your destiny. From there you can begin to arrive in the places you need to be, what Janet Attwood in "The Passion Test" calls your "markers" -- the spots that serves as dogears to the pages in the book that is your life. And the things you need for your journey begin to show up effortlessly.

Today, I enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with my close friend Jay at the house of some of his dear friends. I had a Friend's giving. I felt so welcomed as we all held hands around the table, expressing what each of us was grateful for. We had fun and played games, and there were moments when I laughed so hard, I almost cried. I haven't done that in so long that I can't remember. I had this overwhelming sense that I was right where I needed to in in that space in time. I am truly grateful and blessed, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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