Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Thursday, November 30, 2017

I Surrender...

I Surrender...

Today wasn't perfect, and that's actually great. In my quest to explore the boundaries of my body, I wanted to approach my practice today with a sense of abandon, and just simply let go. I've been focusing in on my root chakra and reflecting on what Mercury Retrograde might mean for me as it dials back it's trajectory on December 3rd. I wore two grounding crystals, red jasper and black tourmaline to assist in healing my root chakra. I thought about what Ken Dychtwald was saying about some my body imbalances in my root chakra that cause me to grasp for control on hold on too tightly out of fear and my past trend of rationalizing them and my current mode of acceptance. I knew that today would shake up this stuff in some way. I felt it.

I realized that I might not make all my deadlines when I was on the BART today, I got to class and made peace with that. I left my backpack inside the my office at The Guardsman, the City College of San Francisco Newspaper where I've spent the last year as a reporter and now a culture editor. That backpack had some stuff I needed in there, including my "Energy Oracle" tarot deck and my copy of "Bodymind". On the way to my jazz improvisation class where I sing, I bumped into a women who should have pushed all my triggers. She asked me if I wanted to go to a bible study. I told her I was more spiritual than religious, and what could have turned confrontational, actually helped me realized just how far I have moved beyond my bitterness of having been raised in a cult religion and my migration to a place of acceptance. More root chakra issues. I plan on exploring my inner child and facing more root chakra places where I am stuck. All in all, I'd say that today went pretty well. I plan to practice meditation and tap deeper into my root chakra. There is more gold to be mined there. No doubt Mercury will further help me to uncover any other unfinished business inside my root chakra. I am making it a point to consider all the ways in which I can unpack and let go of all the stuff, psychic debris, attachments, persons, energies, places and things that no longer serve me. I am ready to completely unveil a new me on the inside and the outside! It's time for an ultimate cleansing of mind, body and soul.

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