Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Only 9 Days Left...

Only 9 Day's Left...

Everything about my life lately has felt synchronistically connected. Take for instance the fact that the last day of my first 30 day challenge, ended on my birthday.  And now just yesterday I was mulling over whether or not I wanted to continue my next 30 day challenge with Yoga With Adriene or go on to a Brett Larkin challenge. Adriene has a "Yoga Revolution" challenge but I wasn't feeling the energy of that in the new year for some reason. Low and behold, today I discover she has a new 30 day challenge for the New Year called "True"! I got so excited that I all of a sudden, I can't wait to finish this challenge so that I can start the next one! But I have to remember to be consistent and focused in my life (stop shadow Gemini/Sagittarius energies). LOL. So on 1/11 of this month (how synchronistic numerologically) I will be ending this current challenge and on the 12th day of the month (exactly one month to the day after my birthday) I will be starting the "True" yoga challenge. O.K. so there's gotta be something meaningful in that. It's all lining up so nicely! Meanwhile, I'll still be working on all of the books I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Speaking of books, today I was all caught up trying to make a list of my passions for "The Passion Test" by Janet Bray and Chris Attwood.  For some reason, I can't really decide, but I've decided to just go with what's calling to my heart right now. "The Passion Test" is all about finding your true life's passions and then going all out for them pedal-to-the-metal style. That style suits me just fine. First you think about how you would want your life to look if there were no barriers to your dreams. Then you make a list of 10 or more ways you'd be living your life if there was nothing stopping you (because there really isn't) and then you allow the universe to bring your dreams to you. I love to use this book when about every 3 to 6 months, or whenever I feel like I've strayed off the path of my life's purpose. So curious about my "impossible dreams"? Here's what my list looks like right now. The book allows that your dreams might change and morph the closer you get to them. This is a natural part of the process of finding out how to live your truth, no ego's allowed!

My Top Five Passions:
1. I am reaching thousands of people and healing them (hint, hint hope this blog helps ;-])
2. I am a best selling author of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels
3. I am a world-famous singer/songwriter
4. I am a world traveler
5. I am a talented and graceful dancer

So the on the last one, I was struggling over whether to put "accomplished actress" or "talented and graceful dancer" and dance won out. In my experience though, I've found that even writing something down on the list is powerful. I've revisited my lists from previous years and found that some of the things I'd written on the list that hadn't made it to the top five had came true.

In my "Rituals for Transformation" by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten, I examined the concept that we are not our physical bodies and realized that even though I've long accepted this concept, revisited in through the affirmation I created "I Transcend My Body", and meditating on the idea shook up my mind in interesting and positive, albeit somewhat uncomfortable ways. I had to look at ways in which I was shaming my body, and over identifying with it as if it was the core me, rather than my indomitable spirit -- that light that lives within all of us that lights our way home to our higher selves. I am aware that in this area, there is still room to grow and understand exactly what it means to transcend my physical body.

So Today, the universe wanted me to pull three cards instead of one. Sometimes it be like that. LOL.

1. Community: Reminding me of my network of support, friends, family, spirit guides and angels all rallying around me for my highest good. There want to celebrate with and congratulate me for all my accomplishments thus far and cheer on all my current endeavors. This might take the form of a real-world party or just them making contact with me to tell me that love me and wish me well. I also feel like it's telling me that I am going to create a new community and meet new alliances so that we can help each other realize our dreams.

2. Rest and Rejuvenation: This heralds a time of repose and peaceful relaxation. I am also being reminded to make R & R a regular part of my routine so that I can recharge my energy reserves in what promises to be a month of activity and working diligently towards my goals.

3. Action: This card is letting me know that I need to take concerted action if I'm going to accomplish all the things that I want -- all of my life's passions! Yes they are already here, but I need to take the required steps to make that quantum state a reality in this dimension! Any steps, even small steps in the direction of my goals are wonderful, but this card is telling me that if my life is a canvas, I need to make broad, bold, colorful strokes at this time and move ahead at a sure and steady pace. I can dig it!

With the nostalgia from The Super Moon in Cancer still in full effect, I decided to include a remix of the song "Nothing's Impossible" by Depeche Mode, a group that has remained among my favorite top 10 list of artists since I was about seven years old. They have maintained their careers as musicians for the past 37 years and counting and are still just as relevant as artists and as a band. They are my inspiration today. They have opened my eyes to so many revelations with their ground-breaking music and sound. Today they remind me that my dreams are going to happen. They've made a life from their creativity and ingenuity and so can I. So can you.

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