Main Photo Credit - Michael Neville

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Exploring My Options

Exploring My Options

I felt a bit out of sorts today -- a bit like I was searching but not finding myself. And then I had an epiphany! No matter how lost I might feel, I'm always found -- always cradled in the arms of the angels -- always loved by my Higher Self, my soul's consciousness. Today moved slowly and I felt cherished and protected... safe. There is something really beautiful in this knowledge. How do I perceive this on a daily basis. I went out to a Pub on St. Patrick's day in San Francisco. I felt strangely connected to the fun, but disconnected, like I was an outsider observing all the fun happening around me, but I was not saddened by this fact; I was content. Earlier that day a fire broke out in the North Beach neighborhood near where I work. It felt so close to me that it sent a thrill through me. I would have seen the flames shooting up into the night from where I was, but had suddenly be struck by a terrible urge to follow through on my plan to get ice cream at the famed Swensen's Ice Cream on Hyde Street of Union. "So far away so close," as U2 sang. There must be a cosmic symmetry to all this, especially with the amount of synchronicity I have encountered lately. Only time will tell, but the happenings of late seem especially important somehow. It could be my imagination, but it could be my intuition. I feel as if it's the later.

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