Smooth, calm and a joyful breathe of fresh air were great words for today's yoga practice. It was a breezy flow of asanas that were perfect to ground me and dispel my anxiety for the busy day that followed. And a crazy whirlwind it was -- a rush of classes, emails and meetings. And through it all, I approached things with more mindfulness and an air of forgiveness and gratitude. I truly am thankful to be right where I am right now!
This reading from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle" is amazing! The first three cards are for the recent past. In that line we have "Hostilities" reversed which signifies that a problem I had been facing where someone was actively hostile is resolving itself. The "Angel of Love" and "Man Holding A Heart" ❤ cards show where I am opening my heart up to both self-love and love from others and romantic love as well. In the present position, we have "Victory" which means that I am succeeding in all my endeavors but that I should keep my eye on the ball. "The Temple Path", that let's me know that I am on the spiritual path that will give my life purpose and meaning in this incarnation. Also there is "The Thinking Woman" that I feel is talking about my commitment to higher learning, the scholarly exploration of my spirituality, and is a sign that I am making positive progress. Lastly, in the future alignment of cards we have "Blossoming Abundance" that let's me know that my times of lack and loss are behind me and that I will be receiving a bounty of financial prosperity. Thank you to Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity"! "Ma Holding A Coin" is supporting the this statement, nodding to the influence of my masculine soul and my connection to solar energy and action, also possibly to my Capricorn moon energy, and the amazing advice I received from my amazing friend Jay who told me just two days ago that "with all [my] talents [he'd] be surprised if I couldn't find a way to make money". I'm taking it to heart ❤. Which brings me to the final card, "Broken Heart" reversed. Yay! 🙌 I am healing my heart, releasing old wounds and breaks and stepping into a new, brighter 🌞 future! This reading is the best reading I have had all year. And it's on the auspicious time of a full moon, blue moon, blood moon and an eclipse! This mirrors that fact that I performed a ritual of balance and release on the last eclipse last year in August. Coincidence? I think not.
Today's practice is all about focus. How do we use our minds in the most practical sense of the word? How do we meditate as if outside ourselves, watching our minds, while not being simply reduced to the rantings of our monkey minds -- the ceaseless inner chatter that actually clogs our intuition with fears and obscures our vision with its limited scope. I believe that we can have both practical and spiritual applications to the way we live our lives. We can dream, meditate, and pray and we can make money, play, and explore creative hobbies. It's all about balancing the two concepts. And I think that's what todays tarot card of the day is communicating to me.
I drew the "Hare" card in reverse from Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm's "The Druid Animal Oracle" deck. Drawn in reverse, the "Hare" card signifies that you are not paying enough attention to your practical life. Essentially, I've had my head in the clouds a bit. I get the message. A little more attention to taking out the trash and doing the dishes and of course the daily financial hustle, while not losing track of my dreams. Message received, loud and clear.
Bachman Turner Overdrive's "Taking Care Of Business"
Yoga With Adriene was all about learning to surrender. But it wasn't the smooth and gentle practice I was expecting. Instead, it was challenging with a slew plank poses. It reminded me that surrendering my seem passive, but it's an action. It's also important to learn to surrender to the situation in times that are tough. This is not giving up or just letting the hard stuff win, it's about surfing with the changes and commotions that life throws at us and doing so with ease. This takes practice, but it's something that my meditation and yoga practice is preparing me for. How to sail the windy seas of my existence as if it were a calm stream and how to approach the surging waves with joy instead of fear.
I've been exploring the topic of forgiveness a lot in the "Rituals For Transformation" journal by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. Today I reflecting on the idea that forgiveness can transcend time and space -- healing in the past, present and future. I am a Reiki Master who is familiar with the energetic concept that healing can be multi-dimensional. Yesterday, a friend of mind told me that he believed that the mode of the fifth dimension was the concept of choice. I thought about it and had to agree. When you learn about things like the law of attraction such as in Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity", you understand that you choose to accept prosperity as a state of being. You can also choose a state of lack. You can choose to bring into your life the states of love, joy, peace, creativity, inspiration and a plethora of other positive ways of being. As I head towards the last day of my journey with Thackray's amazing book, (at least for now) I accept that each day and with every thought and action, I am choosing to be present in my journey. I am creating the story of my life. And I realize that I want to be the heroine of a triumphant tale that inspires hope and unconditional love!
Today I focused on taking it easy, even though Adriene's yoga practice was all about charism -- that spark of light that each us has that glows from within. I spent the day reflecting on and continuing to explore the self-love and forgiveness from yesterday and giving my body the rest that it desperately needed. I also realized that I have been the emotional support for not one but two friends today. It was an enriching experience but nonetheless took some of my energy. I'm giving myself the care that I need. It's time to unwind and let go -- time to chill out.
Today's practice is all about self-love. I am going through a process of forgiveness of self and of others this week. Most importantly, I'm becoming aware how holding onto resentments -- even against myself is blocking my personal growth, emotionally, spiritually, financially, mentally and in so many ways. I'm going through some really deep changes thanks to all of my journaling, and yoga. I'm connecting strongly to crystal and energy healing. I am coming into my own and starting to use all the gifts that Divinity has blessed me with.
Sometimes it feels like it's one step forward and two steps backwards. But oftentimes that's how it is. Today started off amazing and then it kind of wasn't. I'm hanging in there!
Yesterday's reflections and accompanying meditation in "Rituals For Transformation" by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten, were all about being in the moment -- residing in that quiet place of stillness that only you can find, while plumbing the depths of your subconscious and allowing things to surface organically. I noticed a theme that is occurring in my world over the last few days and that is one of forgiveness. In today's journaling exercise the book explored that area of life. I was able to release a lot of the areas that were being blocked due to a lack of forgiveness for myself and others. The lesson today was that "Forgiveness is the key to freedom". As part of the journaling exercise, you make your own affirmation. Mine is " 'I reclaim my freedom by exercising forgiveness!" Since the I agree with the book's statement that not forgiving is like holding onto restrictions that keep you from being truly free. I've found that what we won't forgive in others can often reflect an aspect that we won't or would not be willing to forgive within ourselves. When we forgive we make room for our own human imperfections and this is the space we can truly grow in. We are free to make mistakes, screw up, not be perfect and then correct imbalances and move on after our life lessons are learned. Today I tried to think of everyone that I couldn't forgive and aspects of my own self that I held a space of unforgiving judgment in and I just let them go as best as I could. It really did feel freeing!
One of the most beautiful songs I know about forgiveness is performed, composed and written by the amazing Rachelle Ferrell, whom I've had the pleasure of seeing live and who blows me away and brings me to tears...
"I Forgive You" Lyrics
It doesn't really matter what you did anymore It doesn't really matter what you did it for Or who you did it to…
I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you Totally completely now What a freedom just releasing from my heart From my mind and soul!
Verse 2
It doesn't really matter whether or not I understand It doesn't really matter whether or not you're still my man I still love you… and
I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you Totally completely now What a freedom just releasing from my heart From my mind and soul!
I no longer want to hold on To that which doesn't make me strong And I don't wanna care no more 'Bout what's right or wrong I just wanna be whole again I want to be free again Want to be me again I just want to heal…
I'm so tired of being in pain I just want to be whole again So…
I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you Totally completely now What a feeling just releasing from my heart From my mind and soul!
Today felt kind of like a long distance marathon run. I've had to get my moments of stillness where I could find them. In my "Rituals For Transformation" journal I was urged to gather as many opportunities for tranquility that I can find. I'm an aspiring journalists so I am constantly bombarded with media. With this ceaseless flow of information, it is essential for me to find spaces where I can practice mindfulness. Buses, subways, moments on city benches, waiting to move at cross walks, in-between sips of coffee ☕ and other captured minutes or seconds can be chances for deep meaning. It's all about the quality of the journey and not the number of miles covered. Whether the road ahead is smooth or if every step has to navigate bumps and bends in the road matters not. The question I'm allowing into my focus is how I'm choosing to traverse the terrain ahead and what can I smile at and wish well as I leave it behind. How can I both conquer and surrender to the now? As I let it all flow with forward momentum and foster a spirit of acceptance, I learn and I grow.
That's how I feel today after completing a good many of my goals! There is a silver lining gleaming on the edge of the horizon and everything that I could ever wish for waiting for me there. I feel so happy right now and it's an inner glow coming from within. It's both surprising and true and beautiful to behold in my mind's eye. I'm finally living the life I want!
Carnelian is all about getting in touch with the creativity that bubbles up from deep inside-- from your High Self, where it can be expressed on this plane of existence with truth, integrity and a deep soul meaning. The "Carnelian" card from Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle" deck is emphasizing the fact that there is great healing and peace to be found within carnelian energy that can calm anxieties and refresh your very inner being by revitalizing your creative pursuits.
Today's yoga practice was all about finding a moment to allow. To let the world around me unfold and watch it as if outside myself-- to just observe the flow of life. I was living inside that flow as it occurred around me. I am creating my reality with an ease that becomes more and more graceful and brave as it unfolds. This is what being in the moment is all about. This is the stuff dreams are made of.
Toni Carmine Salerno's "Energy Oracle" deck is right on the mark as always, guiding my steps, connected to the cosmos as only crystal energy can. The card I drew today -- "Gold In Quartz" let me know that I am on the right path, using my intuition, that third eye and beyond power of my Higher Self to imagine into being the existence that I was born to live. This life of beauty and joy is awaiting me right now in every shining moment of love and gratitude.
"This Magic Moment" Performed By Ben E King and The Drifters
I've been noticing lately that the negative emotions that I can sort through and resolve on the yoga mat, are the same ones that I can move through and let go more easily off the mat. Emotions like fear, rage, anger, and jealousy are being supplanted by courage, peace, compassion and love. The true glowing radiance that is my soul is being polished in all the rusty spots until it is shining like a full moon. I am beginning to release all the psychic debris from my aura thanks to the energies of Divinity and all of my crystal helpers. To them I am eternally grateful!
Today I drew the "Tiger Iron" card from Toni Carmine Salerno's deck. The affirmation for this card is "I may not have the power to change the world, 🌎 but I can change my perception of it." The message here is that even if we are going through times that are not ideal or working through difficult emotions, we have the opportunity to look at the situation as a time to grow from the challenge or to lament our position. I choose growth. Even saying that in my head just feel right to. I feel stronger and more grounded now. I choose to tap into the practical spirituality of tiger's eye 🐅 crystal. A raw primal, earthy, sexual, creative power married with Divine intention.
Today felt bright and open at first, but like any other state of being you are trying to achieve, enlightenment happens in stages and has moments of resistance that can seem like setbacks. My heart and mind are up to the challenges of staying open and flexible to life's uncertainties. It's a little bit like juggling, but with emotions. It's a slow and steady process without the race or the necessity of winning. You just show up each day, remain true to yourself, express unconditional love and the magic starts to happen little by little.
The high vibratory energy from the "Selenite" card from Toni Carmine Salerno's deck shines like a beacon of light and hope piercing the darkness. It reaffirms the message that we are all interconnected on this big Universal energetic highway by the eternal power of love. Nothing is stronger.
Today was all about agendas to get things done, being busy with a purpose, early morning commuting on BART into San Francisco with my coffee in hand, deadlines at City College of San Francisco's (CCSF) newspaper The Guardsman, meeting with faculty members, emails and assignments. Somehow in the rush of today, I was late for my massage therapy shift at Project Zen Day Spa in the North Beach neighborhood of The City. I was in an Uber, speeding towards my destination when I remembered to find my space of calm, to slow down deepen my inhalations and exhalations, to let go of the balls of tension that were crowding around my jawline and stomach and to remember the ease and mindfulness that helps to pull me through it all.
Toni Carmine Salerno's card "Tiger's Eye" from her "Crystal Oracle" deck, let me remember that today, my feathers were going to be ruffled, my resolve might waver, my nerves might be tested and my emotions a bit frayed at the edges thanks to the high concentration of moon energies saturating the atmosphere, but that I could find a grounding place of peace throughout this little slice of the journey. I can move with ease and flow through the changes with grace. I can choose to be at peace.
Today's yoga flow felt very free and individual, like the movements were more organic. It reminded me that the natural order of things is grace and self-love, no matter where I am in my life or what part of the process of change that I am going through.
Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle" deck gave up the card "Amethyst" today. I am still reeling from the potent emotional energy of the New Moon 🌙 in Capricorn. The energies of amethyst are urging me to not only embrace my shadow side, but to love and accept it. And whenever I am besieged by feelings that make feel unworthy, that I should take heart and. know that I am enough and that I am loved.
Yesterday, I did an energy healing session that left me feeling spacey and ungrounded. I'm still trying to find my equilibrium. I feel as if I need to place my feet on bare earth and absorb its strength. I feel as if I am going through a bit of a spiritual dilemma. I am wondering why I was so thrown off my center. Maybe I absorbed some of the energy that I was seeking to heal? I'm not sure. Whatever the case I am feeling the need to re-center, ground and come back to myself. To stir the pot even more, yesterday's New Moon in Capricorn which is also my own moon sign, left me highly emotional. I am still working through the emotions. I need to withdraw and spend some time with my own counsel and in a meditative state with crystals to recharge. I am considering doing a "return of strength" layout from the book "Crystal Healing" by Simon and Sue Lilly. This layout involves the grounding and revitalizing crystals bloodstone.
My personal tarot reading had my drawing three cards today from Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle" deck. I drew "Citrine" a card that is telling me that financial abundance is on the way, "Snowflake Obsidian" which let's me know that ideas and talents that I have been nurturing and building a skill-set with for so long are finally bearing fruit in a material and spiritual sense, and lastly, "Lapis Lazuli is letting me know that the more I let go of what no longer serves me, the more my soul's purpose will blossom into being!
"I Didn't Know My Own Strength" Performed By Whitney Houston written by Diane Warren
Lost touch with my soul I had nowhere to turn, I had nowhere to go Lost sight of my dream Thought it would be the end of me
I thought I'd never make it through I had no hope to hold on to I, I thought I would break
I didn't know my own strength And I crashed down and I tumbled but I did not crumble I got through all the pain I didn't know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour, my faith kept me alive I picked myself back up, hold my head up high I was not built to break I didn't know my own strength
Found hope in my heart I found the light to life my way out of the dark Found all that I need here inside of me
I thought I'd never find my way I thought I'd never lift that weight I thought I would break
I didn't know my own strength And I crashed down and I tumbled but I did not crumble I got through all the pain I didn't know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour, my faith kept me alive I picked myself back up, hold my head up high I was not built to break I didn't know my own strength
There were so many times I wondered How I'd get through the night I thought I took all that I could take
I didn't know my own strength And I crashed down and I tumbled but I did not crumble I got through all the pain I didn't know my own strength
My faith kept me alive I picked myself back up, I hold my head up high I was not built to break I didn't know my own strength
I was not built to break, no, no I got to know my own strength
How often do we live with the concept that we are truly enough? Not that we are enough if we have an awesome body, if we have a certain amount of money in our bank accounts, if we have a great career, if we meet the perfect person and ad infinitum; but that we are simple incredible just the way we are. I like many people was raised with the concept that I needed something outside of myself to complete myself. It is a beautiful notion to accept that fact that we can be magical just the way we are, warts, moles, imperfections and all. I am on the way to a journey of showing unconditional love both to myself and all the wonderful people in my life past, present and future.
The fact that I pulled the "Rhodochrosite" card from Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle" card deck is telling. I am being reminded to be compassionate about the faults of others for they are a mirror of a part of ourselves, however small of a space it is reflected from. We are all connected in this big wide Universe after all. If we can't be understanding of our own flaws and show love to ourselves when we make mistakes or have failures, it can make it more difficult to demonstrate those qualities toward others. I am committing myself to the practice of self-love -- a rewarding process that everyone should allow into their existence. For it is through those actions that my experience of true love and inner peace will deepen.
Connecting to my yoga practice today was a process of ease and grace. My meditation practice is gaining depth and becoming more effortless as well. I am growing slowly but surely and my life is taking form right along with my practice. I'm finding my groove and it feels great!
Today's yoga practice was all about stretching not only the capacities of the body but of the mind. Living in a moment of fearlessness and acceptance and in that space, making the room to grow by leaps and bounds! I could really feel the expansiveness inside my body in a way that went deeper than the increased ease and grace with which I could feel myself moving today. I've grown not just in flexibility, but in the way that I approach my practice. I do a lot more just letting the movement happen and grow out of my intentions and spirit than I do trying to achieve a certain pose or state of mind. My meditation practice has deepened as well -- not only from the yoga but from my new-found practice of journaling.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Apparently this what the card I pulled from Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle" deck is saying. The card that choose me today is "Labradorite". Labradorite is a crystal of psychic power, divination and spiritual protection. It is telling me that I will so lose the mantle of fear that has dominated so much of my first chakra. I was raised in a cult religion that was dominated by fear on so many levels. It's taken me years to drop away that mantle, but I finally am. I'm living life on my own terms and nobody else's' with love, strength and courage. It's a beautiful feeling!
I find that I often have anxiety over things and I am definitely sinking deeper into my practice of mindfulness in order to deal with it. I'm using Reiki, EFT and Crystal Therapies as well. Using all the toools in my toolbox is going to be how I make it through.
The card today from Toni Carmine Salerno's deck "Crystal Oracle Deck" is "Sodalite". The energies of this beautiful blue gemstone reminds us to keep calmly creating our dreams without stress -- with a certainty that they will come true. "Dreams really do come true", is the message that "Sodalite" has to deliver. And I can feel them manifesting. This is so happening! I can feel it!
This is going to my third month of not missing a day of yoga since I started, and I've got to say that I am feeling pretty unstoppable! On my 100th day I'll have to treat myself because I'll be nearly a third of the way through! Through what? Will I stop just because I've reached the end of the year? At some obligatory number? I don't think so! Yoga is a part of me my life now -- a part of me... This is just one of the many accomplishments that I plan to have soaring under my wings as the year goes on. I can't wait to see what more 2018 has in store for me! Yay!
Toni Carmine Salerno's "Crystal Oracle Deck" card for the day is "Moonstone" I am going introduced to the moodiness of moon energies which are deep, tidal, changeable and emotionally intuitive. I and all who resonate with the message of the moon are being invited to dive deep into our emotions and not be afraid of the turmoil swirling in the tempestuous currents of that ocean, but to greet it with courage, acceptance and compassion. I just have to let whatever process needs to happen, happen right now. Just let it be whatever it is for my highest good right now.
Today I feel oddly free. The last day of my second 30 day yoga challenge, I'm just doing my own thing -- letting whatever flows to me determine my course of action in the day. This free-form approach seems to be working well for me. I'm letting the Universe direct my course of action, like a boat on the sea directed by a sure and steady wind. I don't know exactly what the future holds, but as long as I keep my heart invested in the things I'm manifesting, I'm sure it will be for my highest good and the highest good of all those concerned!
This is a truly lucky card that I have picked at least three times in readings in the last week from the Toni Carmine Salerno "Crystal Oracle" card deck. It is reminding me that I have a life of abundance and magical treasures waiting for me to discover them. All I have to do is visualize and know that great things -- love, joy, and financial freedom are coming my way. I am coloring in the columns and outside of the lines on the coloring book that is my life! I am living a life of artistry and passion! I am not merely existing. I am living!
I can feel the energies of action starting to build up and filter into my reality. There is a get-up-and-go usually characterized by the beginning of a new school semester, coupled with an uncertainty and generous dose of hope mixed in for good measure. I'm excited to see where this year is going to take me, while working to release some left-over anxiety and apprehension. There is some lighthearted exploration to be found in the letting go and allowing in as well.
My "Crystal Oracle" tarot card today was
"Pyrite", reminding me not to be emotionally manipulated when I comes to dealing with my current conundrum. Also the "Turquoise" card came up again as well. I guess the Universe is knocking on my door again. I hear you loud and clear. ☺
So It's day 28 or if you count my whole daily yoga journey thus far it's day 58! I approached todays practice feeling very moody because I knew that there was an issue simmering on the emotional back burner for me. This playful practice was just what I needed to turn ideas around in my mind, on their head, upside down and consider the issue. To make a very long story short, I have had a business with a dear friend and mentor of mine that due to my financial state, I haven't not been able to pay on. The situation has filled me with a lot of grief, shame and anxiety. This practice as well as the advice in Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity" have let me know that I can either cry 'poor me' or I can address the situation the best that I can where I am in this place in my life and do so with a spirit of gratitude and joy for the lessons I am about to learn (though they may not be pleasant). I can focus on the abundance that is showing up in my life right at this moment and trust the Universe and Divinity to handle all the things that are out of my control.
Today's "Crystal Oracle" card "Turquoise", with insights by Toni Carmine Salerno is letting me know that the only solution is loving and clear communication. That means healing some of my throat chakra blockages by speaking up. I don't want to let old habits of bottling up what I'm feeling to hold me hostage emotionally. The energies of turquoise are gentle and yet powerful, firm and yet loving. All the things I need to be right now. I choose to meditate on the healing energies that embody the turquoise blue ray, and call upon Archangel Gabriel to help guide me through my fears and communication challenges.
Today I feel very hopeful. Hope is an infectious feeling that spreads into every goal you set about to accomplish -- every part of your day! It gives you a sense of adventure and fun with which to move about in the world. Today in Tori Hartman's book "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit: A 52-Week Journey of Self-Discovery With The Lost Fables", I read about the fable of Geranium. Geranium is a plant who was uprooted from her container and then transplanted into a new environment. That is exactly what happened to me when Saturn went into Sagittarius. My long-term partner of many years left me, and I was forced to move from San Francisco where I had made my home for over four years and move to Richmond, California in the East Bay Area. When we examine the fable of Geranium, we are told to look at the ways in which we are transforming in our new state of being and to look at which phase we are in the process. Are we chilling in our pots? Have we been uprooted? Or are we stretching out our roots in new ground? Perhaps somewhere in-between? I feel as if I'm in-between having been uprooted and settling into new ground. I'm finding my way and putting out my feelers so that I can ground myself in my roots and start a new beginning. Now I'm under-going a period of great change and growth. It's exciting!
Today the card I drew from the "Crystal Oracle" deck by Toni Carmine Salero, is a repeat. The energies of green selenite are once again giving me to "greenlight" (LOL) to start dreaming and visualizing all the things I want in my life. My dream life is right here and right now!
Dream On Dreamer
The Brand New Heavies
Dream on dreamer life gets in your way Dream on dreamer life gets in your way
There you go day and night Up in the clouds flying so high You try your best to stretch your mind Beyond reality and sense and rhyme You see things make your big heart sing Like the flowers trees and birds and pretty things Hate to put your two feet on the ground You like to step aside Then you release yourself and fly
Dream on dreamer life gets in your way If the life you live is a spinning top of pain then you can Dream on dreamer life gets in your way If ya live to learn you'll be lucky one day
Now the paisly pages of your mind Are so complete like seeing colours black and white Do you realize that you look so spaced out You've made your peace with the need to be free Without a doubt Yeah I frown 'cause something don't look right It's the twinkly twinkle star thats in your eyes Hate to put your two feet on the ground So go on and step aside And release yourself and fly
Written by Dallas L. Austin and N'Dea R. Davenport.
Yes. I am feeling like if I stretch my vision far enough, then I can create anything that I wish to achieve! That's how I'm feeling after my yoga practice. Before I started, when I was journaling, I felt hesitant about the blessings that are coming my way -- not sure how to grab onto them. Now I realize that I don't have to grab anything. I can just let the abundance and bounties flow right to me "easily and effortlessly" to quote "30 Days To Prosperity". "Easily and effortlessly" is my motto today. What can I experience if I remember to love my entire being and just well... be?
In today's "Ritual For Transformation", I did a meditation where I reflected on every part of my body inside and out, hands, legs, nose, feet, eyes, butt, arms, heart, lungs, body systems, and energy body anatomy (aura etc.) and told it that I loved it. It was incredibly freeing. It's powerful when you own that fact that you can be responsible for giving yourself the love that you need and not feel the need to have approval or love from outside of yourself. I am learning to love myself that way and it's a beautiful thing. I left my meditation refreshed and feeling beautiful both inside and out. I am grateful.
Today's Crystal Card is Molybdenite, which give us a "message from the stars." I reminds us that all of the choices that we have made thus far in life, "good" and "bad" are valid and have led us to where we are right now. If we trust that this is the exact place we need to be and that this too is part of our "Divine Life Plan", to quote "30 Days To Prosperity", then we can never go wrong no matter how terrible things seem. I am reminded that the choices I have made and am making are all for my highest good. I can release my inner critic and let the story of life be amazing and full of twist and turns like all the best novels are! I am writing the pages and as a writer, what would my life be without the painful past, loves lost, drama, betrayal and hurts as well as the romance, love, joy, hope, peace, gorgeous moments and abundance? Boring. I am living a full and well-rounded life and I am thankful for every moment of it!
In today's dancing warrior yoga practice, I explored the space of simply allowing for what is.
In my "Rituals For Transformation" diary, today I committed to the affirmation "I forgive my body". I discovered that I have held grudges against my body for all the times it didn't look or perform the way I wanted it to. I forgave my heart for all the times I've experienced emotional pain or hurt, heartbreak or grief. I forgave my low back and my left foot for giving me chronic pains from old injuries that are healing. I forgave the parts of my body that are aging. I forgave. And in that space I found hope and an willingness to make room for all the imperfections that a strict childhood and disapproving religion wouldn't allow. It was ok for me to f**k up and not have it all together. Now my heart has released a lot of things it doesn't need any longer to let it bright new joys and experiences.
Now for the tarot cards of the day. "The Crystal Oracle" by Tone Carmine Salerno.
1. Rose Quartz: Unconditional love, peace, joy, loving thoughts.
A stone I've worked with intensely for the past three years, has a message for me. And that is that love is all around me. The beautiful compassionate energy of rose quartz welcomes me with it's soft pink glow. Deep heart healing is available to me now. The following prayer is excerpted from the deck's accompanying booklet.
"We pray for love to heal and guide us
to illuminate our hearts and minds
so that we may all come to see and fell
the sacred flame of light we each hold within,
for then we shall truly know,
beyond all doubt, that only love is real -
only love is eternal."
This card is telling me that all I have to do is visualize the life that I would like to have and it will crystalize for me out of the ether of my imagination as my actions towards those dreams bring it to fruition. If I see it in my mind's eye, and I truly wish it to be so, I can manifest that life into reality. But that I shouldn't get so caught up in pursuing the goal that I forget to enjoy the process.
"Life is a journey, not a destination."
3. Selenite Green: Healing, tranquil pleasures, day dreams, imaginings
"Life is a river of dreams. Simply relax and enjoy the journey" Amazing right?! This is another card to back up clear quartz. It's reminding to me get clear with my dreams. Believe in everything that I am dreaming up now, because it will soon be a reality. Just like Walt Disney says, (yes I'm a Sagittarius) "A dream is wish your heart makes."
Today's yoga practice was a gentle yummy yin energy sequence that I needed to just be with my body for a while and go deeper into the thoughts and sensations that arise. I find that I am able to bring a calmer energy to my body and mind and go deeper into my journaling and reflections. I feel as if I can bring these positively rejuvenating vibrations to my new school year and to all my endeavors thus far.
Today's tarot card pulled from Sandra Anne Taylor's deck is "Door To Romance". I have to admit to being both excited and intrigued by this card. January is a lucky in love month for all three of my signs aspects; sun in Sagittarius🌞, moon in Capricorn 🌙 and Gemini 💎 Ascendant 🌠. This card is letting me know that not only am I healing my heart chakra and opening it to expressing and receiving unconditional love to and from others, but that I am learning to give myself an abundance of unconditional love as well.
*Posting this late after a fun night out. LOL. Getting back at a totally unrespectable hour. *
Today as I was going through the exercise in day four of "30 Days To Prosperity" by Gail Thackray, I was reading about how every being in the universe has a 'Divine Life Plan". The idea is that each of us came to this lifetime with a purpose - a way we wanted to experience our lives. I though about it. Say the Universe, Spirit, God, Goddess, Higher Self or whatever you want to label it teamed up with you and together you mapped out how you wanted to live you live in this reality. The more I thought about it. The more I thought that this boils down to the your soul and a Higher Power creating a dream life for you. Essentially this is the life of your dreams and you just have to follow your heart until you are on a path where you can start experiencing it. Then I thought, what if the getting to the goal didn't have to be a chore until we reached our "dream". What if finding that path could be fun. What if I chose to be present in each moment and approach it with the innocence, exploration and exuberance of a child. Remember when you were a child and your brothers and sisters turned washing the dishes into a game. Suddenly, it wasn't a chore. I'm going to examine the ways where I can make all the responsibilities I have to do each day into a source of joy and abandon -- knowing that in accomplishing them, I'm getting closer to achieving the items on my passion list!
"Energy Oracle Cards" by Sandra Anne Taylor
1. Walking Away:
This is a card I've been pulling a lot lately. In this placement, it means that I'm letting go of the things that no longer serve me - feelings of shame, anger guilt, rage, pain and fear using Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), aromatherapy, crystal healing, affirmations and all the tools in my healing toolbox to help me do that. I am committed to letting go any habits such as procrastination, eating poorly, and not getting proper rest.
2. Angel Of Love:
Unconditional love and compassionate heart-based living is available to me at this time. I have the courage to feel what needs to be felt and to accept all that is with a spirit of love and hope. This will bring my heart peace. It's been a long journey towards healing, and now I can release into the power of Divine love that is always there to light my way.
3. Community:
This card just keeps popping up. It's letting me know that I have the support around me to do all that I envision and wish to achieve. Friends, created family and the spirit world is rallying around me now and wishing me well in all of my endeavors.
A New Day For You
Hello again it's me
Your shoulder's where I sit
The half, nobody sees, of a silent partnership
I am here your help at hand
I'm never far away
A clear view from where I stand
I'll be there if you need me
I am your helping hand
My words you've heard them all before
It's only for the sake of love
It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you
The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is yet to come
So what is this I here
You deserve a break
Take time to think it out
Don't make a new mistake
I am here your help at hand
It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you, new day for you, new day for you
The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is yet to come
My words you've heard them all before
It's only for the sake of love
The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is
It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you, new day for you, new day for you
It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you, new day for you, new day for you
Hello again it's me
So today's "Full Body Awareness" practice is just what. I need. I'm feeling a general sense of confusion as to where to go next in my life and I need to get clear! I pulled three cards from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck, and here's what I got.
Oh Whoa Nelly! Reversed Cards! O.K. Now two of these cards were just in upright manifestations of their energy. What gives? Once I got over that revelation, I looked deeper and realized that these cards represent challenges that I still have to face in these areas.
1. First Chakra Archangel Michael (Reversed):
I need to face issues about stability and grounding that are sill up for review and healing within my root chakra. This makes sense because one of my journaling exercises in the "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit" by Tori Hartman, was about examining sayings that I live by and involved me writing down all of the values I was raised with. I was raised in a cult religion as a Jehovah's Witness with a rigid, narrow belief system that I set aside nearly 15 years ago. But it left me with a lot of traumas from my childhood that I am still addressing. I'm getting the message to let Archangel Michael help me heal those wounds.
2. Adjacent Possibilities (Reversed):
It's time for me to examine all my options and let go of the shame, worry, anxiety, self-doubt and deeply rooted habits that are no longer serving me. I am in the process of doing that, but this card is reminding me to re-double my efforts and dig the ones that still remain lodged far in my subconscious for cleansing and renewal. It's telling me to consistently make choices in my life that go in line with my new life intentions.
3. Archangel Metatron (Reversed):
This is a message from Metatron, who I've called on this week. He's asking me to let him help me get clear, and to wipe away the energies of confusion from my life. Coincidently, this is one of the intentions I set for the New Year, to release confusion and clouded thinking and to break out of all that isn't serving me. Again this card is admonishing me to release anything toxic such as bad habits and thought processes from my life. Reversed cards are not only a good thing, they're a great thing. They let you know where the problem areas are in your life so that you can go about fixing or at least greatly improving things so that your life can run smoother and more happily adjusted. I'm ready!
Everything about my life lately has felt synchronistically connected. Take for instance the fact that the last day of my first 30 day challenge, ended on my birthday. And now just yesterday I was mulling over whether or not I wanted to continue my next 30 day challenge with Yoga With Adriene or go on to a Brett Larkin challenge. Adriene has a "Yoga Revolution" challenge but I wasn't feeling the energy of that in the new year for some reason. Low and behold, today I discover she has a new 30 day challenge for the New Year called "True"! I got so excited that I all of a sudden, I can't wait to finish this challenge so that I can start the next one! But I have to remember to be consistent and focused in my life (stop shadow Gemini/Sagittarius energies). LOL. So on 1/11 of this month (how synchronistic numerologically) I will be ending this current challenge and on the 12th day of the month (exactly one month to the day after my birthday) I will be starting the "True" yoga challenge. O.K. so there's gotta be something meaningful in that. It's all lining up so nicely! Meanwhile, I'll still be working on all of the books I mentioned in yesterday's post.
Speaking of books, today I was all caught up trying to make a list of my passions for "The Passion Test" by Janet Bray and Chris Attwood. For some reason, I can't really decide, but I've decided to just go with what's calling to my heart right now. "The Passion Test" is all about finding your true life's passions and then going all out for them pedal-to-the-metal style. That style suits me just fine. First you think about how you would want your life to look if there were no barriers to your dreams. Then you make a list of 10 or more ways you'd be living your life if there was nothing stopping you (because there really isn't) and then you allow the universe to bring your dreams to you. I love to use this book when about every 3 to 6 months, or whenever I feel like I've strayed off the path of my life's purpose. So curious about my "impossible dreams"? Here's what my list looks like right now. The book allows that your dreams might change and morph the closer you get to them. This is a natural part of the process of finding out how to live your truth, no ego's allowed!
My Top Five Passions:
1. I am reaching thousands of people and healing them (hint, hint hope this blog helps ;-])
2. I am a best selling author of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels
3. I am a world-famous singer/songwriter
4. I am a world traveler
5. I am a talented and graceful dancer
So the on the last one, I was struggling over whether to put "accomplished actress" or "talented and graceful dancer" and dance won out. In my experience though, I've found that even writing something down on the list is powerful. I've revisited my lists from previous years and found that some of the things I'd written on the list that hadn't made it to the top five had came true.
In my "Rituals for Transformation" by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten, I examined the concept that we are not our physical bodies and realized that even though I've long accepted this concept, revisited in through the affirmation I created "I Transcend My Body", and meditating on the idea shook up my mind in interesting and positive, albeit somewhat uncomfortable ways. I had to look at ways in which I was shaming my body, and over identifying with it as if it was the core me, rather than my indomitable spirit -- that light that lives within all of us that lights our way home to our higher selves. I am aware that in this area, there is still room to grow and understand exactly what it means to transcend my physical body.
So Today, the universe wanted me to pull three cards instead of one. Sometimes it be like that. LOL.
1. Community: Reminding me of my network of support, friends, family, spirit guides and angels all rallying around me for my highest good. There want to celebrate with and congratulate me for all my accomplishments thus far and cheer on all my current endeavors. This might take the form of a real-world party or just them making contact with me to tell me that love me and wish me well. I also feel like it's telling me that I am going to create a new community and meet new alliances so that we can help each other realize our dreams.
2. Rest and Rejuvenation: This heralds a time of repose and peaceful relaxation. I am also being reminded to make R & R a regular part of my routine so that I can recharge my energy reserves in what promises to be a month of activity and working diligently towards my goals.
3. Action: This card is letting me know that I need to take concerted action if I'm going to accomplish all the things that I want -- all of my life's passions! Yes they are already here, but I need to take the required steps to make that quantum state a reality in this dimension! Any steps, even small steps in the direction of my goals are wonderful, but this card is telling me that if my life is a canvas, I need to make broad, bold, colorful strokes at this time and move ahead at a sure and steady pace. I can dig it!
With the nostalgia from The Super Moon in Cancer still in full effect, I decided to include a remix of the song "Nothing's Impossible" by Depeche Mode, a group that has remained among my favorite top 10 list of artists since I was about seven years old. They have maintained their careers as musicians for the past 37 years and counting and are still just as relevant as artists and as a band. They are my inspiration today. They have opened my eyes to so many revelations with their ground-breaking music and sound. Today they remind me that my dreams are going to happen. They've made a life from their creativity and ingenuity and so can I. So can you.
Maybe it's the effects of today's super moon or the fact that my astrological influences are transition, or a combination of both or several factors, but I feel super-charged to go full-steam ahead with all of my goals and intentions. I started not one, not two but several exercise-based books of change growth today. The first I embarked on is a journaling book of meditations called "Rituals For Transformation: 108 Day Journey To Your Sacred Life", by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. It is a unique book that combines reflection and free-writing to examine all the areas in your life. The amount of days was chosen for the metaphysical significance of the number 108 which in numerology reduces to the number 9 and signifies completion. I just read information on a webpage about numerology that made me aware that this year is an 8 year - a year of infinite possibilities, meaning that whatever I choose to focus on, positivity or negativity, that is what I will create. I have decided to choose abundance, peace, love, prosperity, hope, joy and to make this year, the year that I put into motion the foundations for all of my hopes and dreams.
With those ideals at the forefront of my mind I am choosing some other volumes as well. Some I have discussed in length on this blog before, and others such as "Rituals For Transformation" are new. The second book up is Gail Thackray's "30 Days To Prosperity", a book I have gone through at least three times before. It's phenomenal at setting up an abundance mindset. The third book is "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit: A 52-Week Journey of Self-Discovery With The Lost Fables" by Tori Hartman, with a book and an accompanying set of tarot cards illustrated by Gretchen Raisch-Baskin. I have only completed a very small section of this book in the past before and I am making it my resolve to finish the entire workbook, which will take the entire year to complete. I mentioned these first because they are daily commitments which will require me to set aside about 30 minutes of each of my mornings. the first two will be completed much quicker of course, with "Rituals For Transformation" taking a little over 3 months to complete. The other books are "The Passion Test" by Janet Bray and Chris Attwood, "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod and another Gail Thackray book, "What's Up With My Life?" These books will more than likely only take up a few sessions out of the week for me, and I can complete them in a more leisurely fashion than the first three books. I will go into more detail about them in subsequent blog posts. If it seems like a lot, it probably is. But it takes determination and dedication to pull off an amazing life, and I don't want to settle for ordinary. I want nothing short of a spectacular life filled with purpose and meaning! If any of these books spark your interest, I invite you to take them for a test drive. Read them. Commit to going through the exercises within them. Allow them to transform your life. I know I plan to do just that!
"Rituals For Transformation: 108 Day Journey To Your Sacred Life", by Briana and Dr. Peter Borten. I have a really good feeling about the places that this book and all the aforementioned books will lead me in my quest towards a better existence!
The Card that I pulled from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck was Man Holding A Coin. This card is in line with everything that I have been feeling and reading today and through out the past week, that this coming year will be one of financial prosperity -- turning the tides of the energies of last year, in which I experiences a lot of financial loss and upheaval. I was aware that last year had a lot to teach me and a lot of trials by fire that I had to go through. But I feel as if I am coming out on the other side, stronger and a better person for it. Now it's time to plan for the future, heal, pick up the pieces and rebuild a life that is the best I can possibly imagine -- or even better!